
Grand Casino Lucerne energy efficiency booster

Grand Casino Lucerne energy efficiency booster

Lucerne casino

23 Ton Weniger CO2-Ausstoss in Lucerne: Historical Gebäude wird energieeffizienter

Fotovoltaikakanlage das Casino Luzern nimmt seine neue Betrieb. Spitzenzeiten produces more than 20 Strombedarf Solar Panels.

Location: Roman Baselgia (CFO), Marcel Menet (Leiter Technischer Dienst), György Bodnar (Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter) and Wolfgang Bliem (CEO) is the new photovoltaic channel of the Luzern Grand Casinos.

Location: Roman Baselgia (CFO), Marcel Menet (Leiter Technischer Dienst), György Bodnar (Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter) and Wolfgang Bliem (CEO) is the new photovoltaic channel of the Luzern Grand Casinos.

Image: zvg

In the Casino Gebäudes installation, 104 Solar Panels were operated and 44,000 Kilowatts of energy could be produced. Laut Grand Casino Luzern has a single PV-Anlage up to more than 20 Strombedarfs. The new Solar Anlage can achieve more than 23 Tons of CO₂. Diese Menge was connected to an Umweltwirkung of up to 600 Bäumen. The new Photovoltaic Canal is a program of Lucerne Tourism and Grand Casino Luzern, also with the reduction of cultural activities and economic savings. (nid)