
Sorgen and the Chinese machine? | myTT bloggt | Blogs |

Sorgen and the Chinese machine? | myTT bloggt | Blogs |

Blog: Do you want to go to China?

Wang Chuqin should take another look at Niederlagen einstecken once again (©ITTF)

11.11.2024 – Lin Shidong and Wang Manyu became WTT Champions in Frankfurt. Von daher, Chinese Tischtenniswelt doch in Bester Ordnung or? Wer etwas genauer hinschaut, dem stechen in letzter Zeit allerdings auffällig viele Niederlagen mancher Topchinesen ins Auge. Is this a new trend or a new trend trend? And was that a problem? Reconsider Janina Schäbitz in the new Blog.

Chinese Machinery and Machinery. This is a new Wahnsinnserkenntnis, in connection with a lot of things that are coming up very quickly. Having a Domination and Tag for a long time with Zhang Jike, Xu Xin, Wang Hao or Ma left Niederlage facing a Nicht-Chinese Schon quick battle. It wasn’t like Topturnieren died the night before in China, dying in WM as well as the World Cup and Grand Smashes.

Niederlagen’s Return to Olympia

And as always and everywhere, there is a plan of Selbstverständlichkeit with the best Chinese during Wettbewerbe marschieren. Asienmeisterschaften, all Titel abräumt of China, engaged in prestigious work in Japan and Nordkore with Tischtennisnation from Goldmedaillen in October and went to Japan 50 years ago in Teamwettbewerb. It should be free. He was China’s best player at the WTT Champion Final in Montpellier. Benedikt Duda ranked in Weg’s Top-10 Spieler with Liang Jingkun and Lin Gaoyuan, and Sieger Felix Lebrun topped Lin Shidong. A day later, Anders Lind, one of the best athletes in China, Benyamin Faraji, Oh Junsung and Anton Källberg competed once again in the Siege Count at the Olympic Games. Welt, Wang Chuqin.

Tatsächlich formed the Entwicklungskurve of the World Listeners negatively every day. We see Truls Moregard take on the Dominanz for the first time, as always, at one of the Olympic Games in Paris, where Wang and Rolle are the first to take on Dominanz. Von 60 Einzeln hat der Chinese in diesem Jahr neun verloren – sechs davon seit der Niederlage von Paris. Beim never faced Anton Källberg in WTT Champions FrankfurtIt was a very good Schweden Leistung des Schweden delay, aber – wie dieser selbst in concrete – and a China Label. Was this also los mit den Titelabonnenten? Ich danse, dass hier verschiedene Faktoren zusammenkommen.

Was it Sind die Ursachen?

This is the situation, this is also normal, Athletes have once again been defeated in the Olympic Games. For a long time the men all had constant connections in the best of all times, with a great Turnier of Druck in China, and the nun became a man with the same and new focuses at first. The patterns remained completely removed from the current WTT-Turnier plans. Olympic Games Paused Once Again in China Fan Zhendong and Chen Meng. Additionally, World Audiences of Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha attended Event after Event as one of Asia’s greatest masters. That’s a great thing, and the Chinese – as the best of other nations – are a very good thing and an important focus for many people, if not another.

The Turnier flute was similar to the Folge and allowed the Toppies to perform better during the Autumn War. Touring once again in WTT or spending less time and moving on to a longer training phase is a non-mandatory event and a mandatory event. Although we learned a lot, we learned better natural methods and learned that the Chinese are at a better level day by day. Konkurrenz allows you to have and maintain good luck. With Sieg, a Verfolger gelingt, schöpfen die Kollegen neuen Mut und die Unbesiegbarkeit der Chinese schwindet. Ob die new generation – A new generation of bearer of Ma Long and another new generation of man has arrived with Fan Zhendong along with the Vorgängern in Sachen Dominanz. Lin Gaoyuan and Liang Jingkun are a Patzer teamed up once again, while Lin Shidong is next to Mann in Zukunft, and today in Anfang he has made Weges and Wang Chuqin appear in the team cameras with prestigious events. says Nase.

Schwächephase nicht überbewerten

Doch auch wenn sich die Misserfolge aktuell haufen, danse ich nicht, dass diese auffällige Schwächephase von Dauer ist. Die Chinesen auch in diesem Jahr bewiesen, dass sie, wenn es drauf ankommt, zu 100 Prozent abliefern – ve das werden sie meinung nach auch künftig tun. Alles was very bold in Olympiajahr with a new Pause, Regeneration and Zeit for a new Energy. Doch auch wenn Niederlagen gegen Nicht-Chinesen in Zukunft vielleicht nicht in der Fülle vorkommen wie zuletzt, glaube ich, dass wir sie aus den oben genannten Greğen immer öfter werden. Weltspitze is one of Herren’s best, Konkurrenz is back in Europe, Blut will geleckt and more. The Chinese were the best in terms of popularity of Chinese sports, although they were more dominant in Arts and Weise. You Can Use a Spannendes in 2025!
