
Key Features, along with others like Xiaomi, Redmi or Poco-Handy

Key Features, along with others like Xiaomi, Redmi or Poco-Handy

Preventing Limiting Internet Connections: There are practical tips for Xiaomi's Handys on this topic. (Image: Xiaomi)
Preventing Limiting Internet Connections: There are practical tips for Xiaomi's Handys on this topic. (Image: Xiaomi)

Preventing Limiting Internet Connections: There are practical tips for Xiaomi’s Handys on this topic. (Image: Xiaomi)

Xiaomi’s Handy Devices and Tablets are an extremely important device that is among the best of Android Devices.

Dadurch veressert sich nicht nur die Bedienung, sondern es wird auch weniger Werbung angezeigt.

Having a good setup and easier guide to know about everything and learn everything.

Hindi: This article covers Poco X6 Pro vs HyperOS version Es ist möglich, dass einige menunte auf eurem Useful and no other name or nothing done.

Für zwei Einstellungen und Entwickleroptions no option. So enable Login Mode:

  1. Offnet eure Einstellungen
  2. Tip on »On Your Phone«
  3. Use hints on “Betriebssystem-Version” or Build Number

Disabling System Protection

Disabling the option does more than other system options.
Disabling the option does more than other system options.

Disabling the option does more than other system options.

Xiaomi’s Handys organized an event like »MSA’ using Redmi and Poco-Gerätes. An option for »MIUI System Ads«.

Der Dienst zeigt euch in verschiedenen Bereichen des Betriebssystems Werbeanzeigen an. It’s not annoying at all, it’s an extremely energetic word, which is a one-day Hintergrundprozess solution.

To disable MSA:

  1. Offnet eure Einstellungen
  2. Tap »Gesichtsdaten and Graphicschermsperre«. However, the device cannot have more value than others. Additionally, Poco X6 Pro has »Finger Slide, Navigation and Screen Scrolling« feature.
  3. Select »Automatic Upgrade and Expansion«.
  4. Deactivation of Schalter with »msa« and optimal use of Meldung

Jetzt and System-Werbeanzeigen were disabled.

Personalization Event: For greater customization, I can equip Sammeln with different Nutzer data.

  1. With »Gateway data and screenshots« you get new settings and navigations.
  2. Tip on »Data Information«
  3. Tip on »Useful Information«
  4. Deactivate »Personalization Anzeigen«

Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit anzeigen

Oben thinks there is Internet access available.
Oben thinks there is Internet access available.

Oben thinks there is Internet access available.

I can no longer use a useful Netzwerkgeschwindigt in Situation. Therefore, it is possible to establish an internet connection and solve any possible problems early.

  1. Offnet eure Einstellungen
  2. Tip on »Benchrichtigungen and Statusleiste«
  3. Activation »Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit anzeigen«

For this, it seems that it is possible to advertise all over the world.

Dynamische Bildschirmwiederholrate

A new Xiaomi-Handys is a dynamic technology of standards.
A new Xiaomi-Handys is a dynamic technology of standards.

A new Xiaomi-Handys is a dynamic technology of standards.

Inzwischen ensures that Xiaomi-Handys has many screen views throughout the day. It’s a beautiful thing, an activation process, with a very dynamic and brilliant performance.

Thus we benefit greatly from animations and energy saving, thus statische angezeigt werden:

  1. Offnet eure Einstellungen
  2. Tip on »Pictures and Helligkeit«
  3. Tip on »Bildwiederholrate«
  4. Here we have »Dynamisch«. Be sure to test the standard »Standard (Empfohlen)«.

This Handys is a standard 60 Hertz display and allows for a much easier screen display. This is another fall pattern, this one is also very pretty.

Beach alerts are one of Akku’s best known.

Current anzeigen rates: As the dynamic speeds in action increase, more performance can be achieved so that the PC can be used more efficiently. Dafür müsst ihr den Entwicklermodus aktiviert haben (siehe auch den Infokasten am Anfang des Artikels).

  1. Offnet eure Einstellungen
  2. Tip on »General Settings«
  3. Slide the launcher and tap »Input Options«
  4. Activation »Aktualisierungsrate anzeigen«

RAM-Belegung anzeigen

This has free RAM as well as better RAM for more efficient and productive use.
This has free RAM as well as better RAM for more efficient and productive use.

This has free RAM as well as better RAM for more efficient and productive use.

Handy Handys, along with the Redmi 13C, offers 4.0 GB of storage most of the time and performs much better on Alltag.

Most of the devices are also available on Sinn with increased RAM. We also find interesting things with apps related to Apps and Apps.

  1. Offnet eure Einstellungen
  2. Tip on »Initialization Initialization«
  3. Tip on »Important Items Sorting Items«
  4. »Enable RAM Information«

When we leverage Google Play Store for online applications, all kinds of applications become available effectively.


There are other options for a useful animation.
There are other options for a useful animation.

There are other options for a useful animation.

It is possible for HyperOS to be supported with System Animation. Useful swimming in Dadurch fühlt sich euer Bedienung an. One has to choose between different options, same thing with other options.

Starting Animation:

  1. Offnet eure Einstellungen
  2. Tip on »Creating Animations«
  3. Wählt »Schnell« aus.

Animation factors adjusted:

  1. Offnet eure Einstellungen
  2. Tip on »General Settings«
  3. Slide the launcher and tap »Input Options«
  4. Proceed with the hunter’s options »Fensteranimationsfaktor«, »Übergangsanimationsfaktor« and »Animationsdauerfaktor«. All this was not done directly.
  5. There is a factor of 0.5x

All the useful and unique animations are very nice. The animation is completely disabled, but nothing is done and everything works fine.

Does Xiaomi have Handy? Welche Einstellungen nehmt ihr ass vor? Schreibt in the comments!