
Access to Aptos Staking ETP was provided on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Bits

Access to Aptos Staking ETP was provided on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Bits

News from Finansanznachrichten
  • Premiere: Bitwise Aptos Staking ETP is the old Aptos-ETP and is better than the Führungsrolle by Bitwise as a new Möglichkeiten in the Crypto Asset Class.
  • Aptos – Layer-1 Blockchain: Aptos provides many new transaction and cost advantages, often in combination with “produktionsreife” Blockchain technology. Letzter Zeit haben sich große Finanzinstitute und Verbrauchermarken dafür entschieden, auf diese Blockchain zu bauen.
  • Bet: ETP from Aptos’ acquisition was acquired in approximately 2000. 4.7% generally unsold. You can do this while also investing in ETP for liquidity.

Zürich, Schweiz, 12 November 2024: Bitwise Asset Management launched the Bitwise Aptos Staking ETP (Ticker APTB; ISIN DE000A4AJWU3) on the SIX Swiss Exchange on 19 November 2024. This product is a worldwide offshoot of the legacy Staking ETP.

Bitwise has a special corporate structure together with APTB, which also serves as a regular vehicle for a legacy Depository Bank, Prüfungs, Verwaltungs and Staking Infrastructure. APTB is physically behind and carries out Staking Aptos zum Staking directly via ETP akumuliert with 4.7% Staking.

Aptos will be developed to include Layer-1-Blockchain, Solana and Ethereum in 2022. Aptos wird aufgrund seiner bahnbrechenden Leistungsfähigkeit geschätzt, Anwendungen im Unternehmensmaßstab zu ermöglichen. New Performance is a reboot of the Blockchain that has been activated 8 Million times.

As part of the Blockchain Initiative, Aptos Labs is among the most important team of the Blockchain Initiative. Advanced institutional investments include Andreessen Horowitz, Apollo Global Management, PayPal Ventures, Multicoin Capital and Franklin Templeton Investments.

Aptos Staking ETP has a volume of 50 million of Ethereum Staking ETP (ISIN DE000A3G90G; WKN A3G90G). US Dollar is one of two products included in Bitwise’s European Total Return Products.

Hunter Horsley, CEO and Mitgründer von Bitwise: “Seit sieben Jahren is Investor Partner of Bitwise, welcome to the new Crypto-Anlageklasse Verstehen und Für sich Nutzen. There is Einführung of Bitcoin and Ethereum-Spot-ETPs in the USA. This is Together with Bitwise Aptos Staking ETP, a Zugang of a new generation Blockchain, it is a digital platform for a new portfolio and startup.”

“Barrierefreiheit ist das Herzstück des Aptos-Ökosystems. Jeden Tag bauen, handeln und kreieren Nutzer aus allen Ecken der Welt und mit unterschiedlichem Erfahrungsstand auf Aptos”, concrete Bashar LazaarAptos Foundation Grants and Ecosystem Chair. “ETP, Aptos-Ökosystem und öffnet die Tür für new Stimmen, Entwickler und Zielgruppen, die sich so auf sichere und Transparente Weise daran beteiligen können Zugang zum Zugang erleichtert den Zugang zum.”

“Als führender Vermögensverwalter der Branche ist Bitwise in der Lage, die finanzielle Inklusion auf globaler Ebene zu erweitern”, i.e. Mo ShaikhAptos Labs has a CEO and Mitbegründer, and Aptos-Ökosystem has a Mitwarkender. “Aptos Staking ETP is one of the best solutions for the corporate structure of Nutzung and Zuverlässigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und Geschwindigkeit der Aptos-Blockchain. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, zu sehen, welches neue Potenzial rd.”

bradley dukeHead of Bitwise Europe, fugue hinzu: “We are investing in digital anlageklasse mit der sich in Europe. Das Aptos Staking ETP is a special institution for investment and cryptocurrency, in no way tigen Möglichkeit suchen , a new with an APTB on the SIX Swiss Exchange It is a neat solution for blockchain usage.”

APTB is the ETP for Bitwise in Europe. Called a very large and liquid physical product for Bitcoin-ETP (BTCE), it has spent much more money along with Ethereum Staking ETP (ET32). APTB is the legacy product of ETC Group, launched by Bitwise in August. At the SIX Swiss Exchange factory, Bitwise produces a new ETP as a new European exchange with a new ETP.

Staking is a new solution for the next generation of cryptocurrency. Wenn Token-Eigentumer enables the use of the Token as a transaction included in a Proof of Stake.


Products from Überblick

ETP Name Bitwise Aptos Staking ETP
ticker APTB
Bravery 139573609
Erwartete Staking-Rendite (nach Gebühren)* 4.7%
SWEAT 0.85% per annum

* Staking-Erträge is increased in % annually due to the ETP remaining constant and cumulative. Diese Zahl can benefit from the Grundlage der Marktpreise for APT-Einsätze and make a non-refundable refund.

Über Bitsel

Bitwise is one of the best alternatives to Kriptowährungen Vermögens Verwalter. The Anlegern of the ganzen Welt of Finance, Family Offices and Institutions came together to have a versatile and knowledgeable chance of Kriptowährungen. In 2017, Bitwise launched a palette of Index and an activated ETP, separately enriching ETPs, Private Funds and Hedge-Fonds-Strategies – in the USA and Europe.

In Europe, Bitwise (Ehemals ETC Group) has a new joint crypto-ETP and innovative Crypto-ETPs, creating Europe’s large and liquid Bitcoin-ETPs or the first diversified Crypto-ETPs as the first MSCI Digital Asset Index. He brought together Sepet-ETP. nachbildet.

Diese Familie von Krypto-ETPs Deutschland domiziliert und von der BaFin zugelassen. With the Traditional Finance Branches and the renaming with Stellen Sicherre, regular income is generated from 100% Vermögenswert Sicher and Offline (Cold Storage).


SCHWARZ Financial Communication
Frank Schwarz
Tel.: +49 611 580 29290
[email protected]

Important information
This article does not constitute investment advice and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase financial products. This article is published by Bitwise Europe GmbH (“BEU”), a limited liability company based in Germany, for informational purposes only and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. BEU makes no warranty or guarantee, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of this article or the opinions contained herein. You are advised not to rely on the fairness, accuracy, completeness or accuracy of this article or the opinions contained herein. Please note that this article is neither investment advice nor an offer or solicitation to acquire financial products or cryptocurrencies.

Potential investors should consider the following before investing in crypto Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”):
Potential investors should seek independent advice and take into account the relevant information contained in the base prospectus and final terms of the ETPs, in particular risk factors. ETPs issued by BEU are only suitable for those experienced in investing in cryptocurrencies and investment risks can be found in the prospectus and final terms. The invested capital is at risk and losses up to the invested amount are possible. ETPs backed by cryptocurrencies are highly volatile assets and their performance is unpredictable. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The market price of ETPs varies and they do not offer a fixed income or exactly match the performance of the underlying cryptocurrency. Investing in ETPs involves numerous risks, including general underlying market risks, adverse price movements, currency, liquidity, operational, legal and regulatory risks.