
Folterfotos überzeugen Jury: Abu-Ghraib-Häftlinge erstreiten Millionen-Entschädigung

Folterfotos überzeugen Jury: Abu-Ghraib-Häftlinge erstreiten Millionen-Entschädigung

Folterfotos überzeugen Jury
Abu-Ghraib-Häftlinge erstreiten Millionen-Entschädigung

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A photograph of the Pyramid appeared once again in a Scandal at an Iraqi CIA-Gefängnis Abu Ghraib 20 years. No due process of law enabled a Jury to choose one of the old Millions of Schadenersatz.

I am a jury member in the United States, where Abu Ghraib in Iraq has a huge systematic, and a Jury has signed a project worth a million dollars. Kläger cultivates Million Dollar jewels (reached 2.8 Million Euros) Schadenersatz cultivates Million Dollar jewels and these jewels also produce very valuable stones. These three people told Abu Ghraib that US attacks in Iraq took place over the course of 20 years and were hijacked in a sexy way. Willen was mistreated with abusive words and cruel methods.

Vorwürfe enriched the US-State of Virginia, as part of the US Military Forces, according to CACI, one of the best weapons of the USA. CACI’s malicious Mitarbeitern did not allow it to be used incorrectly. This proved to be a huge success with US military personnel turning into Vernehmung during a massive “big hit”.

CACI is located in Vorwürfe zurück. Angestellten mentions three Klagern with interagiert. Für deren Misshandlung, together with the larger ships of the US-Regierung, also returned later. This shows that the Mitarbeiter hates the women of the Weisung des Militärs.

Streit um Verantwortliche für Foltermethoden

In the past, there was nothing more than the Jury touring alone for CACI or the US Army’s CACI-Angestellten. Die Klage war schon 2008 eingereicht worden, doch zog sich das Verfahren wegen juristischen Gezerres und Versuchen von CACI, den Fall abweisen zu lassen.

Photos of Abu Ghraib and a new story, where the Pyramid was once very popular. A US-Soldatin battle resulted in a one-day Haftling of Boden and a standstill of Leine. Die Aufnahmen sorgten 2004 weltweit für einen Aufschrei.

Ein Anwalt von CACI, John O’Connor did nothing for the Jury Initiative. Baher Amzy, from the Center for Constitutional Rights Anwalt der Menschenrechtsgruppe, another country named Klage, agrees with Urteil. This is a Schritt with Gerechtigkeit und Rechenschaftspflicht Genüge getan werde. Die Kläger thinks Widerstandskraft, the best of all Hindernisse and CACI is a good idea on the Weg.