
UNO Secretary General Guterres: “Die Zeit läuft uns davon”

UNO Secretary General Guterres: “Die Zeit läuft uns davon”

UNO Secretary General Guterres: “Die Zeit läuft uns davon”

UNO-Generalsekretär Guterres auf Weltklimakonferenz COP29 in Baku (Rafiq Maqbool/AP/dpa)

Das Jahr 2024 with Unwettern, Hitzewellen and Dürren – Zitat – “Lehrstück für Klimazerstörung”. There is a place in Verantwortung that all industries see in Staaten.

Early in the Durchschnittstemperatur der Erde in Wissenschaftlern, Germany, it reached industrial industrial age at a maximum rate of 1.5 degrees. One of the UNO-Umwelt programs leads to a temperature increase of 2.6 degrees Celsius and continues until Voraussetzung according to the air conditioning plan of all air conditioning plants.

Klimakonferenz ohne Scholz, Macron und von der Leyen

Über 100 Staats- and Regierungschefs were added to COP29. Take more time and set the tone to make the General Assembly better, which is considered a climate-related finance exercise. Anders was unable to establish a connection between the Bundeskanzler Scholz and the Konferenz. Er right seine Reise wegen des Auseinanderbrechens der Ampel-Koalition ab. Ebenfalls, Frankreichs Staatschef Macron, Leyen and Brasiliens Präsident Lula had no idea about the worldwide state conference.

This is the First Regeln for the Realization of Emission Guts. Countries or Countries can be used for Projects that Reduce CO2 Emissions. During this project, a usable project can be made with new emissions. Beispiele für Projects with CO2 absorber Mangroven and Verteilung von Sauberen Öfen in Ländern.

Diese Nachricht appeared on the Deutschlandfunk program on 12.11.2024.