
SPS 2024: German Edge Cloud and Red Hat Gegen Sicherheit für datasensible Anwendungen, German Edge Cloud GmbH & Co. KG, Story

SPS 2024: German Edge Cloud and Red Hat Gegen Sicherheit für datasensible Anwendungen, German Edge Cloud GmbH & Co. KG, Story

German Edge Cloud (GEC), an innovative integration with Red Hat, has become an innovative solution for transparency, Track and Trace and Power Generation and Factory Manufacturing. GEC is developing Software Module as Technology and Digital Platform with ONCITE Digital Production System (DPS). Red Hat OpenShift’s hybrid cloud-based branches are at the base of Kubernetes. This Combination enables better operation of Hybrid Cloud Systems as well as more accurate isolation of On-Premises Data and Processes in many different aspects.

Data and Prozesse are critical for everything in production and werksam geschützt werden a lot. Solid Lösungen, higher Sicherheitsstandards genügen, and more importantly. ONCITE DPS has a cloud-based infrastructure for industrial industries, providing isolation between netzwerken and other systems. Proper control and storage of data is important for providing data directly via the Public Cloud or providing data via the Public Internet.

Skalierbarkeit is en genauso of Sicherheit und entscheidender Faktor. In the next phase, there is an opportunity to ensure your return, to have a new System. ONCITE DPS is equipped with a flexible and high-quality “Air-Gapped” Deployment Based on Red Hat OpenShift. It ensures that the system has a very strong isolation and optimization and you have a so-called Data Protection and High Priority Prozesssicherheit, which is ideal for a better data transfer.

GEC provides a complete Installation package (a physical data file) with all Configuration parameters for specific information provided via IP address, Hostname or Certificate of Certificate. Reduced complexity and utility when shrinking files.

Erfolgreich in der Industrie im Einsatz
Based on Red Hat OpenShift, ONCITE DPS can be used in industry in a versatile and flexible way.

One of them: the internal structure of the Digital Suite, a Track and Trace System for Presswerke, as part of the German Edge Cloud technology. This joint venture works together with Smart Press Shop, a Joint Venture between Schuler and Porsche. Ergebnis is a lost chance in a Lieferkette – but Datenhoheit.

ONCITE DPS works together with Einblicke in Energieüberwachung. More analysis and optimization saves energy. Use Energy Monitoring to visualize and reduce Energy Stopping.

GEC bietet auch industrial applications KI-Lösungen et. Thus, the Qualified Function of “Visual Examination” is provided in Ergebnis von bis zu Echtzeit with 40 Prozent Weniger Ausschuss. GEC provides intuitive support with creative KI (GenAI) in the Portfolio. It provides convenience in terms of intuitive assembly and ease of use during installation. The new generation of dynamic, base-mounted assembly has irreversibly recalibrated Blättern. Das minimiert Fehler und spart Arbeitszeit.

Diese et al Anwendungsfälle ermöglichen die Überwachung und Optimierung von Produktionsprozessen, ohne dass logical Data das Haus verlassen müssen.

ONCITE DPS underpins Red Hat OpenShift, delivering software for critical data and enabling better execution and better data management. Weniger BT efficiently complements Projektumsetzung and Wartung – this is a clearer transition for Unternehmen.

SPS is of interest to learn about ONCITE DPS with the Red Hat-Stand in Halle 5, Booth 138.