
Notfall-Polster for Trump-Crash?: Will Warren Buffett Like Cash So Much?

Notfall-Polster for Trump-Crash?: Will Warren Buffett Like Cash So Much?

Notfall-Polster for Trump-Crash?
Warren Buffett is very good He has no cash

Von Hannes Vogel

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325 Billion Dollars: Eigentlich ist die Kriegskasse von Berkshire Hathaway prall gefüllt. The best investor in the world is an investor who doesn’t invest in Donald Trump. Didn’t understand “Orakel von Omaha” at all?

Wenn man für schlechte Zeiten vorsorgt, legt man sich einen Vorrat an. This is not a good pushover for the Winter months, with Warren Buffett Getreide for the Winter months: A $325 Billion spend Mittel has the best source of income in the United States or the United States. Cash never had a better investor.

Zum Ende des dritten Quartals, more 28 Prozent seiner Anlagen flussige Mittel – more, Buffett’s researches actively selbst investment hat. With Geld, Buffett had a company listed in the top 25 in the US, as well as a Großbank with Goldman Sachs, a pharmacy with Merck or McDonald’s, and later an income.

For a moment Buffett did not once again return to a beautiful Zukunft. “Orakel vom Omaha”, where Geldberg sits, is an Alarm signal during the investigation. Buffett has faced the protracted Anlagen problem. In general: As a result of the philosophy of “value investing”, the best thing for all time is also a permanent basis and a valuable jewel for a long time. There is nothing behind the rallies, Dauer Investments are very solid: “With Eigenkapitalrendite and fähigem und ehrlichem Management”, with Quartalsbericht heißt.

Buffett stopped Pulver

Nicht umsonst hat der 94-Jährige mal gesagt, seine liebste Haltezeit für eine Actie sei “für immer”. The philosophy led Buffett’s Investment Holding to take part in Berkshire in 1965 with an investment of 5.6 Million. This summer, a Billion Dollar raise was made in Berkshire, making Tesla a major global company in a league with Meta or Amazon.

Buffett is expected to attack Ziele as soon as possible. “A $50B or $75B Firm, for a $100B fee, that’s the best for us”, Berkshire-Hauptversammlung is a school since 2023. Offenbar continues to strive for greater power. Not all Tech-Aktionäre are interesting: Buffett fought a large Apple-Aktionäre, but made much more money from a large piece of paper. Once again, the company stopped investing more for a new company: Invest more to get a better return, to make a better investment, which is more than a quarter of Berkshire’s.

This 4.5 Prozent of thezwischen und genauso viel Rendite together with the US-Zehnjahresanleihen combined with the expertise of Aktienmarkt. Buffett went on the offensive for a moment and took a risk.

Is Buffett angry about Trump-Crash?

One thing Druck did: Buffett never invested in small-cap Startups, he didn’t have a huge Schwergewichte. 70 Many operating portfolios include more than a quarter of companies such as Apple, American Express, Bank of America, Coca-Cola and Chevron.

That’s easy, as Buffett made more money, his Cash Payouts also increased. Schon End 2023 was awarded a prize of $150 Billion at the bar in Büchern. At first Sparwut had a very rich Monaten package: Inzwischen saw that Geldberg was doing something much better. Buffett will then face a major crash, which will be stopped. So the war is a good thing for the Financial Crisis of 2008: There are women who allow Buffett to make a new investment for a new one.

A Blase and Mark conversation lasts a long time: Don’t leave Donald Trump with Rausch. The S&P 500 and the Dow-Jones Index reached a figure above 5. Tesla-Current shows that since Decke, Bitcoin has reached an explosive 30 Prozent and a close to $100,000. Doch für Aktienfieber war Buffett noch nie anfällig. And now we’ve stopped Euphorie, how nice. But it is possible that Trump will once again stop or do nothing or make no changes later. This machine looks like Orakel’s Omaha charge, so I encounter something else: Er wartet ab.