
US-Wahl 2024: ++ Fox-News-Moderator with new US Verteidigungsminister ++

US-Wahl 2024: ++ Fox-News-Moderator with new US Verteidigungsminister ++

Donald Trump refused to allow Fox News Moderator Pete Hegseth to serve as a new secretary. Once Upon a Time in Iraq and Afghanistan Our moderator was Hegseth. Alle Entwicklungen im Liveticker.

Donald Trump placed Wahlsieg in Amtsübernahme. Erste Personalien der new Regierung werden bekannt. Learn more about all developments in US Politics.

All US Records on Live Ticker:

02:00 Uhr – Elon Musk releases eigens for a new beginning

US President Donald Trump betrayed Tech Billionaire Elon Musk and led republicans Ramaswamy along with the Departments of New Regulatory Affairs (DODGE). Musk and Ramaswamy, “den Weg für meine Regierung ebnen, um Bürokratie abzubauen, übermäßige Regulierungen abzuschaffen, verschwenderische Ausgaben zu kürzen und Bundesbehörden umzustrukturieren”, Trump am Dienstag auf Musks Kurznachrichtendienst X mit. Die Abteilung was replaced by “außerhalb der Regierung” and Mitarbeiter des Weißen Hauses der Bundesbeitung der Bundesbeitung.

Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and leads the innovative Ansätze in the Technology Branch. Vivek Ramaswamy is a good writer from Biotechnology-Unternehmer, republican and one of the best reformers as a politician in 2024. Beide ihre Erfahrungen und Visionen einbringen, um die Effizienz der Regierung zu steigern und Reformen voranzutreiben.

01:45 Uhr – Fox-News-Moderator with the new US Verteidigungsminister

US President Donald Trump will appoint Fox News Moderator Pete Hegseth as the new minister. “Mit Pete an der Spitze sind Feinde gewarnt unser wird wieder großartig sein, unser wird wieder großartig sein, und Amerika wird niemals klein beigeben”, said Trump am Dienstag (Ortszeit) in an Erklärung.

While Hegseth was in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, and in the Senate in Minnesota in 2012, Sender sided with Fox News. According to Trump, Trump “acted tougher than Truppen, and Pete, being a mutiger and patriotic politician, “Successfully” unleashed the Politik.

Hegseth is the 44th Year and Co-Moderator of Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends Weekend” Sendung. Sender has a group of friends who interact with Trump in 2014, as a rule behind Sender.

00:25 Uhr – Former Geheimdienstkoordinator with the new CIA Chief

US Foreign Affairs Coordinator John Ratcliffe serves as the CIA’s Australia Regional Chief. This is something US President Donald Trump engineered with Dienstag. Ratcliffe called Trump “a campaign that makes something much more valuable against an American and a national Sicherheit and Frieden.”

Ratcliffe preferred Posten des Geheimdienstkoordinators in Trumps erster Amtszeit (2017-2021) inne. We also visit Anwärter, among the Justismists of the USA.

Dienstag, 12. November:

19:57 Uhr – Former Governor Huckabee makes new sale after US-Botsch in Israel

US-Bundesstats Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee followed US-Botsch later in Israel. This is due to the 69th Jährigen nominated by Trump. Huckabee was “something rediscovered, den Frieden im Nahen Osten herbeizuführen”.

19:33 Uhr – Trump betrayed the Old Elite with National Sicherheitsberaters

Trump defeats Mike Waltz after National Security Post. 50-Jährige, as a “sweet overland warrior of the national Sicherheit” and “expert on China, Russia, Iran and global Terrorism”, led Trump to a new initiative. Abgeordnete in the Florida Bundesstaat is the top official of the US Elite Green Berets.

16:29 Uhr – Introduction to Trumps Immunität – Richter Vertagt Introduction

The legitimate interests of the United States have been demonstrated by the fact that US President Donald Trump is a Schweigegeldzahlung and a Porn star said once again or another. Der New Yorker Richter Juan Merchan joined the Entscheidung from 19.

08:30 Uhr – Gouverneurin Noem at USA-Heimatschutz leiten

Trump-Unterstützerin Kristi Noem sells Information About TV Senders of CNN USA-Heimatschutzministerin. Noem is the Governor of South Dakota Bundesstatates and Trumps Pläne for Public Transport of Immigrants. This means that the Heimatschutzministerium must be under the other protections of the Einwanderungsbehörden and Grenzkontrollen.

Noem was a crucial piece of evidence for Trump. Medienberichten fought the idea of ​​Tisch, a Chapter from a Chapter and negative Schlagzeilen gesorgt hatte. 52-Jährige schrieb, dass sie ie 14 One of the best in World Cricket, but that’s not a good thing at all. The Noem argument has always been that there has never been an attempt.

05:00 Uhr – Trump will do Rubio zum Außenminister machen

US President Donald Trump met with Florida Senator Marco Rubio as a Central Asia minister. Die Zeitung “New York Times” was in Berufung Montagabend with Trumps Gedanken Vertraute Quellen, dass die Entscheidung zwar noch nicht final sei, der künftige Präsident sich auf die Ernennung Rubios festgelegt zu haben schien.

Rubio was considered Western Architecture from Trump’s America First Außenpolitik in the Fall.
