
Grosser Rat BS: Essentials for Virtual Reality Training

Grosser Rat BS: Essentials for Virtual Reality Training

Basler Polizei has a Virtual Reality System for Training. (Symbolbild)
Basler Polizei has a Virtual Reality System for Training. (Symbolbild)


Overview Big Rat has a Virtual Reality System for Polizeiausbildung and performs general scanning of Ganzkörperscannern. The efficiency of investments and quality policy are very good.

Der Basler Grosse Rat hat is a Virtual Reality System for a modern Cantonal Polizei. Zusätzlich, at the request of Ganzkörperscanner, increased the efficiency of the Polizeiarbeit zu. 2.6 Million Francs were used for the Virtual Reality System and 1.5 Million Francs for the Scanner.

Virtual Reality System scanned the crawl space for the virtual reality system from 62 to 21 with a 7-hour warning. Verification and Sicherheitsdirektoring by Stephanie Eymann (LDP) is concrete information that Virtual Reality Technology is Polizei’s best product and is a complete training system for training, but it is of no use.

New Technology Vortex

One of the biggest mice of GLP and SP is featured in the new Technology of the Polizeiarbeit Verbesserung der Werkzeug zur Wertvolles Wertvolles Werkzeug zur Verbesserung der Polizeiarbeit. LDP-Sprecher Gabriel Nigon ensured that the System was operated simultaneously and efficiently in a very efficient manner.

Kritische Stimmen zur Qualitätssicherung

Trotz der Zustimmung had a critical speech by Stimmen regarding the connection and grünen Lager. This falls short of good quality. Fleur Weibel provided GAB with an extremely good physical education in terms of educational quality, providing new technological training that provides better education.

The Internal Part of the SP-Fraktion is much less important than the Thema.

Merged Scans of Ganzkörperscanner

Entscheidung expanded wider with Ganzkörperscanner for 1.5 Million Francs. The browser is easy to use and effective, Intimsphäre is better. This means SP Speed ​​and GAB are higher than Anschaffung.

dosp, sda