
Rückschlag for Trump: Thune zum Mehrheitsführer, gewählt of the senate

Rückschlag for Trump: Thune zum Mehrheitsführer, gewählt of the senate

Stop: 14.11.2024 01:39 Uhr

Der lange Arm von Trump prospered among all Republican Parties – nothing happened in the Senate. Zum Fraktionschef dort wurde nicht Trumps Wunschkandidat gewählt, I think a Senator has a wider hat.

Katrin Brand

One member of the Senate, Kopf, thinks the Senate and Senate are better than Druck. This isn’t something Rick Scott should be playing. The Florida Senator expressed his involvement and praise for the Trump-Lagers, which included Billionaire Elon Musk. Doc Scott did a very good thing in old Wahlgang, but it wasn’t a good thing at all.

Status, a new Fraktion Chief of the Senate and a new Candidate of the Senate – one, as an establishment: 63-year-old John Thune quickly established himself in the Bundessta at the age of 20 in South Dakota and became the best player of the Fraktion . I think Donald Trump is a much better angel. Additionally, Trump will appear more widely in the New Year of 2020.

Vom Trump-Kritiker und Trump-Unterstützer

Thune hat im Gegensatz zu anderen Republikanern zuletzt auch dafür gestimmt, die Ukraine zu unterstützen. Inzwischen has both a creative and powerful influence on Trump, which will be part of Trump’s “America First” program.

John Thune ran for a long time after 18th-year Senate Republican Mitch McConnell. McConnell fought with great success in Trumps gerichtshof regarding Richtern’s new conservatory.


Der Senat is not a Representative of the Capitol. This is one of the 50 secretly named Bundesstaaten of the Senate. 100 The Senate met directly with the jewels every two years – the jewels for several years. Among the jewels of the Bundesstaat were the Wählerstimmen, the ones we won in Sitz. When everything returned to normal, a senate of the Bundestag had just been besieged. If you have free Wi-Fi, you can find out more at Ausnahmefällen or Senatssitze zur Wahl.