
Traumas during Krieg | tachles

Traumas during Krieg | tachles

Ari Folman: What is the definition of trauma? What are the Values ​​and Values ​​of Definition? Von Krieg or Krieg?
Shmshon Vigoder: It is a versatile, multi-faceted definition and is the definition of Wort Trauma. A Theory, once under a hand, a man durchlebt hat and one day, a very good verleugnet or verdrängt wurde – Ereignis lies in the Erinnerung of Friedhof. This is due to the dispersion of a jetzt.

But, a einziges einziges sein?
Natürlich nicht. This could make Cumulation something better. There is a very solid Trauma, a beginning so sharp that it is not something we can absorb at all, but something very big, a Zusammenbruch as a whole or a total Zusammenbruch der Erinnerung with a special Ereignis in Bezug.

Have you made a new definition of trauma in Israel?
Das habe ich einmal as Scherz gesagt, aber mit einem Krieg zum anderen fange ich an zu glauben, dass es vielleicht doch stimmt. Menschen and PPPTSD in Israel, das heisst: Pre-Traumatic-Present-Trauma and Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. In the Trauma Stage, Menschen, hauptsächlich Zivilisten, darauf, dass etwas Schreckliches passiert. I was at the Meiner Clinic regarding the reactions of the young girls of the IDF in Iran. Wir bekommen Warnungen. One person in Panic fought in Schlimmste and was nothing but the best Flug, but it was so easy to have a good trauma to fly. Trauma is aggressive with classical post-traumatic belastungsstörung (PTBS).

Consider Utilizing Krieg and Trauma in Krieg in Israel. And this is a starting point to get started.
There is a war in Krieg, in Leben and Tod ging, and wars, dass diejenigen, die den Krieg verloren hatten, das Land verlassen mussten. Das war ein Krieg, in dem es es ums Überleben ging. Die Menschen neigen dazu, das zu vergessen. Damals were operated as part of Bevölkerung. Offensichtlich war dieser Begriff, «Trauma», in 40er Jahren noch bekannt. Es gab eine kleine intellektuelle Psychotherapie-Gemeinschaft, Jerusalem; This idea, considered the first psychoanalysis center in the 30s, is a bet on a Haufen Intellektueller. This definitely means that Kriegsveteranen is something that comes from Ort.

I hate the intense Begegnungen mit vielen Veteranen des Unabhängigkeitskrieges of the Student in Jerusalem. Until you are too traumatized, do nothing.

That’s too bad, which is where Begriff has a much better moral in terms of “morals”…
Once upon a time, there were moral values ​​and moral values.

This was a very important thing from a moral point of view. Do you want Begriff Trauma to define IDF-Soldaten?
Autumn has fallen on Jom-Kippur-Krieg. Stage Kriegs is a game that has an extremely enjoyable experience and is happy for a day at a time, faced with a more traumatic situation in Lage as part of PTBS. This is also where Jom Kippur needs Überraschung.

Ich danse, das schlimmste Beispiel war die Behandlung der Kriegsgefangenen, as sie aus Egypt und Syria zurückkamen.
This is a very good document, getting information directly from Egypt in Krankenhäuser, the trauma of the bombing, and a much better way to become a better man. Das gesamte System war was also an absolute trauma. I thought of many patients, today I spent a day to have more wealth, and after 20 years I started Behandlung from Krieg.

Is this Bewusstsein also the first deal in Lebanon?
They died early, Jom-Kippur-Veteranen, a new reserve among the reserves in Lebanon, and then, at the extreme end of the emotional explosion in Lebanon, the last one is nothing but Kriege.

For me, it is a very good opportunity to interview “Waltz with Bashir”, which is a very good Libanon Kriegs movie, a speech was made with more than 400 flutes, which is a very nice thing…
Und was glauben Sie, sie zum Schweigen gebracht hat?

Schuldgefühle, absolute Schuldgefühle; Along with Kriege Mythology. And among those found in Zidon or Tzor in Dörfern or Städten, there is also Leichen Kleiner Kinder. Das ist der Punkt, der Schuldgefühle durch die kommen.
Dennoch definitively began his PTSD-Behandlung with the first Intifada in 1987, a Kampf war that resumed in West Jordan with Befehl Itzhak Rabins, “Beinen Beine und Hände zu brechen”. Unterzeichnung der Osloer Abkommen sehr bedauerte. From generation to generation, in Fünfzigern and Frühen Sechzigern, when everything was fine, as New Neunzigern was with Begonnen, and also the day after the Lebanese Krieg and in the storm of the Intifada.

Hier wurde auch der Begriff “Moral Trauma” erfunden. Have you defined “Moral Trauma”?
The Moral Definition of Trauma is: A person was once possessed by another in the widest part of the world. He began Therapy in Children’s Elite Children’s Therapy in the 90’s and was adopted as a Board Therapy of Elites for military training and treatment purposes between 2000 and 2002. Heute gehört das dazu.

Much more than this information has been called a PTBS, which can once again be diagnosed with a PTBS diagnostic method.
We come together with a group in Gaza Street, which is an old method of treatment on the streets of Gaza, and what we define as a good method of psychological treatment. The end of Gazakriegs is a new Form of Trauma. This comes from Namen Zerstörungstrauma. Make a Fallstudie study, something like this: On October 7, 2023, the reserve sale was held in Gaza, opened a year later, and today was the best day in Zerstörung. Kein Feind in Kampf was something Dresden’s hat with Bilder, as a war supported by a Spaziergang during the Ruins of Gaza. In the Battle of Anblick on the Hund, Körpern, a Kindergarten in Maul during the time when Asche was a very bad city, faced Teile von Verrotteten. This is the most important Vision, provided that the Hause is larger. Wir suchen, herauszufinden immer, wee Zerstörungsverletzungen zu behandeln sind. In this case, there is no more Zeit dauern, aber leider haben wir nicht die Zeit dazu, denn wahrscheinlich sind bereits tausende von Soldaten dabei, diese neue Form des Traumas zu entwickeln.