
“Robot Hose” from TU München Erleichtert Fortbewegung

“Robot Hose” from TU München Erleichtert Fortbewegung

The Institutes for Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) of the Technical University of München (TUM) have a “Robot Hose” at the Forschungsteam des Instituts Robotics and Machine Intelligence (TUM), namely Gehen and Laufen. WalkON is sold with 18 Energy Savers that can be operated normally every day. Exoskelett never did anything else, then had to put more effort into helping and assisting men and boys.


Another hose is WalkON with Exosklett-Outdoor-Hose by Arc’teryx. This is a system that is the best intestinal system that can be achieved through study. “Soft robotic shorts improve older adults’ outdoor walking efficiency” hervorgeht die veröffentlicht ist in Nature Machine Intelligence.

Use Gurtsystem with a Wanderrucksack angel and a Hüftgurt mechanic. In other words, as far as the motor vehicle rental system is concerned, sodas, sodas, and sodas are too good a choice to be used in any way. Der Musulatur der Oberschenkelbeuger wird so ein Teil ihrer Arbeit abgenommen.

The Grundsätzliche Prinzip of “Robot Hose” is also pretty good. Schwierig is the perfect Steuerung of Bewegungsunterstützung. Wissenschaftler confused Winkelstellung with Geschwindigkeit along with Messgeräten and Oberschenkelgurten. In the Ermittelt of Time, Daraus wants the Übergang in the later stages. Currently, Seilzugsystems Engines are activated. Der Vorteil dieser Method: Das weiche Exoskelett too early, wie schnell sich ein Mensch, passt sich und das Gewicht der Beine und führt eine individual Unterstützung der Bewegung seines tragers durch. Training phases or manual transitions are also a phase in which the exoskeleton is involved. The hose can be started in a few minutes and used more conveniently.

Wissenschaftler tests WalkON with modifications that do not undergo further changes. Die Studienteilnehmer gaben übereinstimmend, dass sich das System sicher anfühle. A Skala von null (keine Controlle möglich) bis sieben (sehr gute Controlle möglich) resulted in a several times better Exoskelett. For some people, one of the best options is an uncomplicated system for a better system. WalkON can also be useful for men with many different activities, but it is possible to never run a Rollator once again.

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An external YouTube Video (Google Ireland Limited) is also available.

YouTube Video is immersive

Wissenschaftlerin Enrica Tricomi showed and demonstrated the “Roboterhose” WalkON.

Auch für Menschen, die etwa an Herz-Kreislauf- o Lungenerkrankungen leiden, kann WalkON sich eignen. Diese Menschen bewegen sich oft zu wenig, ihrem Krankheitsverlauf wenig zuträglich ist. Laufen is a very good idea from Stoffwechsel and Krankheitsverläufe can make a positive impact. Men gained more mobile, better and higher quality experience.

Die Forscher TU München did nothing but Gesundheitsbereich beschränken. A modular system for a unified Freize Activation System. Nuts and Nuts can be powered once again with a “Robot Hose”. The Wissenschaftler performed very well by equipping a Motor and two cables with a hose, using Bewegungsunterstützung and many other things.
