
Behind the Luxus Backstage – Regent Seven Seas Cruises excites new Kampagne

Behind the Luxus Backstage – Regent Seven Seas Cruises excites new Kampagne

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Luxusreederei Regent Seven Seas Cruises is a privileged Einblick for the excellence of excellence, called “Pursuit of Excellence” in the new Kampagne, which offers a better accommodation experience.

After the Leitgedanken, the Erwartungen anspruchsvoller Reisender plunged into a better experience and surpassed the Bedeutung von Exzellenz Kampagne in the usual Facette des Reisens.

Andrea DeMarco, President of Regent Seven Seas Cruises, concretely: “Herzliche Gastfreundschaft steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns. Reduce the participation of the crew and bring together the Teams and the Country, which leads to an Instant Truth and their a Bord kommen, a higher standard of service.‚ ‘Pursuit of Perfection’ is not a team effort away from a team, but a Blick takes a cue from Geheimnisse, Aufenthalt und Bord unvergesslich machen.“

30 Years of Luxus at Niveau

Regent Seven Seas Cruises is located in three large maßstäbes in the Luxusreise Branche. Kampagne provided a wonderful Team Participation with exquisite Gastronomy, large suites, elegant Design and the best Landausflüge.

Franco Semeraro, Senior Vice President of Hotel Operations, said: “The campaign is a tribute to the status behind the Backstage. Jedes Teammitglied once again played a Schlüsselrolle and an unknown Erinnerungen zu schenken.”

Geschichten und Einblicke von Branchenexperten

The Center of the Campground was the long-term representative of Regent Teams, led by Franco Semeraro, who replaced Unternehmens in 1992, together with Steph Armengol, Vice President of Hotel Operations, and Bernhard Klotz, Vice President of Food and Beverage.

Ihre Geschichten made an outstanding Einsatz drawing, one of the best examples. We’ve rounded up Regent in featured Podcasts.

On November 20, Wolfgang Maier’s Dining Department with Executive Culinary Director Mark Bittman has a dining segment where Luxusreederei enthusiasm is at the forefront.

Digital Brochures, Videos and Spanenden became a new version of Regent Seven Seas Cruises with a new perspective in an event called “In Pursuit of Excellence”…

Sierks Media / © Photo: RSSC