
Alarm: Automatic Diagnostics – WELT

Alarm: Automatic Diagnostics – WELT

SP-X/Hannover. Das Auto is available at Zukunft with Gesundheitszentrale werden. Herzfrequenz, Atmung und Kreislauf des Fahrers überwachen lassen came together in the Fahrzeug Prototype of the TU Braunschweig and Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover. Medizinmesse Medica’s gezeigte Diagnose-Auto “Car as a Diagnostic System” also provides it with some sensor data. There are other temperatures in Sitz, Herzton-Messung in Anschnallgurt and ECG Sensor in Lenkrad. An innenraum-camera, save your data and a Gesichtsfarbe. The information was provided by a KI-Software, a medical notes system that provides early information. Fehlalarme produced by the system, a Fahrer zuvor über fahrten hinweg kennenlernen for more services.

Zum Zeitpunkt is a Serienreife in which Forscher does nothing. Autoindustrie has long experience in technological techniques. So Ford delivered the 2011 Prototype to a Pkw-Sitzes with Blutdrucküberwachung vorgestellt. The latest developments in Europe have never stopped.