
Schwyzer Musiker fiebert Grammy entgegen – zum zweiten Mal

Schwyzer Musiker fiebert Grammy entgegen – zum zweiten Mal


LucerneSchwyzer Musiker fiebert Grammy entgegen – zum zweiten Mal

Die Band Lucy Kalantari & The Jazz Cats won the Grammy award in 2019. Linus Wyrsch and Küssnacht are Jahren Teil’s Band. This Album is a candidate for “Best Kinderalbum” in the Category.

Cedric Bähler
  • Schwyzer Musiker Linus Wyrsch did well, winning a Grammy award in February.

  • In the “Best Kinderal Album” Category was the Grammy nominated “Credit” Album.

  • Die Konkurrenz ist namhaft.

Der Küssnachter Profimusiker works with Linus Wyrsch, Kinderband a Grammy nominee. Die Band Lucy Kalantari & The Jazz Cats won the 2019 Grammy award.

On February 2, 2025, we will head to the Arena in Los Angeles for the Grammy Verleihung.

Zweiter Grammy

Linus Wyrsch worked with the Grammy-nominated band Lucy Kalantari & The Jazz Cats. Recognized as one of the best groups of Grammys 2019. Küssnachter is one of Jahren’s best Band and Bandleader celebrations.

The group’s leader, Lucy, is an extraordinarily creative and successful musical artist in New York. dem «Bote».

The band Lucy Kalantari and The Jazz Cats won two Grammy awards in February.

The band Lucy Kalantari and The Jazz Cats won two Grammy awards in February.

imago/UPI Photo

The group was nominated for the “Ascending” Album of the robbery. Auf diesem spielt Linus Wyrsch Saxophone et Clarinette.

Nahmhafte Konkurrenz

Bereich’s Grammy nominee for “Best Kinderalbum” includes Künstlerinnen and Künstler, as well as Neben from the Schwyzer Group. Allen received a Grammy Award for John Legend and Band Rock for Children from Schwyzer.

Linus Wyrsch arrived at noon on February 2. The 2019 war was broadcast live by Ort at the Grammy-Verleihungen: «Es war eine wunderbare Erfahrung. Das Tüpfelchen auf dem i war, dass wir damals sogar gewonnen haben», sagt der Musiker.

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