
“Small” model of Elektro-Cadillac: Luxuriöser 7-Sitzer Vistiq works with one person

“Small” model of Elektro-Cadillac: Luxuriöser 7-Sitzer Vistiq works with one person

Cadillac brought the Luxus-SUV Vistiq to Europe.

(Cadillac)Cadillac brought the Luxus-SUV Vistiq to Europe.

In the USA, the gilded Marke Cadillac is considered the Inbegriff of the Luxus automobile. Jetzt will also be bringing an E-SUV to Europe on its way to the Platz, and will also offer the top-of-the-line Menge Luxus, which could be interesting.

1.3 Leasing Factor | 48 Mon. Laufzeit

10,000 kilometers /Jahr | ka Lieferzeit


€999 mtl.

Verbrauch (comb.) 22.2 kWh/100 km, CO2-Emissions (comb.) 0.0g/km, CO2-Class A+

For Platz, Leistung and all Luxus: Das stellt Cadillac, die Luxus-Sparte von General Motors, Fahrern E-SUVs called Vistiq in Aussicht. This is a four-seat Luxus-SUV, which is a hybrid of the Lyric and a much larger IQ position. We took an American tour in Europe with two Cadillac E-SUVs. Hierzulande is interesting with the Cadillac Lyric 600 E4. Laut Hersteller was pleased with his visits in 2025.

Das wuchtige SUV has the best optisch Ascension IQWe are talking about dimensionen and kleiner wurken. Sprichwörtlichen Haube was under steckt, remained so lately. A 102 kWh battery with 615 PS, Allrad and a Luxusstromer with a weight of 500 Kilometers (EPA).

Der Vistiq was smaller than the Flaggschiff Escalade IQ.

(Cadillac)Der Vistiq was smaller than the Flaggschiff Escalade IQ.

Preis dürfte bei ca. 100,000 Euros

Increased Cost for US Version. In the USA, the starting fee is 75,000 Euros. Zur Orientierung: The price of the Cadillac Lyriq in the USA is approximately 56,000 euros. In Germany it costs approximately 79,000 euros. The Vistiq dürfte hierzulande, also for a price of 100,000 euros.

More information can have a higher performance for the Energy and Energizing Edition with a large amount of battery from Vehicle to Home Technology. Fahrzeug can save energy on Stromnetz’s energy with the Escalade IQ.