
Die Elsa-Formel: Are Warum and Kinder this close to “Eiskönigin”?

Die Elsa-Formel: Are Warum and Kinder this close to “Eiskönigin”?

Magische Formel?
Is there a difference between Kinder and Elsa?

© Kristin Gründler / Adobe Stock

This is a very important Animation and Awards film, also very important “Die Eiskönigin”. Kaum is a fan of Kita-Kind, Anna, Schneemann Olaf, and Elsa, and is often enthusiastic and happy. Scheinbar Was An Angry Film by Kleinen. Is this Aber Welcher?

Weltweit werden seit mittlerweile mehreren Kita-Kinder-Generationen überlange, hell blonde Kunstzöpfe ins Haar gebunden, “Let it go” so dare es eben geht mitgeschmettert und Elsa-Geburtstage gefeiert. Kinder is intensely interested in Medien: identifiers, first new nights. Stop, stop, stop the hype.

Merged Animation Films changed everything that was getting on Kleineren’s nerves. Psychologinnen-Geschwisterpaar Maryam Kia-Keating and Yalda T. Uhls are the Phänomen in the Grund and took over Erkenntnisse with “Time Magazine”.

Elsa played Gefühlswelt from Kindern and Vorschulalter

Elsa is filled with anger, which is “Sturm’s favorite thing.” No, did we achieve this? Gefühlsstürme kennen wahrscheinlich alle Eltern von Kita-Kindern sehr gut. Genau was so in Elsa, so, as another, this is often also present in Kleinen’s Gefühlswelt. The emotions are plain and provide a better understanding – we get the figure of Lieblings.

No More Magic

Kein Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Eiskönigin-Geschichte, in other words, Aspekt is a natural example of Magie. Kinder haben schließlich selbst unglaublich viel Fantasy, wünschen sich manchmal Zauberkräfte o stellen sich vor, welche zu besitzen ve ihre Welt damit nach ihren Vorstellungen zu formen. Looking at Elsa and Schloss aus Schnee und Eis erschafft, Elsa is a great Form of Magic and a wonderful thing about anziehend.

Family Group and Freundschaft

These were made into a movie, along with a classic called “Frozen.” A very romantic life, Schwester takes part in Elsas Verbindung with Anna. Schwester’s emotional attachments to their family or another Bezugs person can portray Kinders who are sincerely identifiable. More is with a classic Prinzessinen-Suche nach einem Prinzen.

Hymn of Freisein

Film Soundtracks is also a place with Kinderfilmen in the Grund dafür of Experts, with Fühlen about the Film of Fans. In “Let It Go”, Elsa and Ganz have a perfect Mädchen sein müssen – darin können sich schon junge Mädchen wiederfinden as free and human.
