
Police Grand-Ducale: Pöbeleien und Wildurinieren – Alkoholisierte beschäftigen Polizei

Police Grand-Ducale: Pöbeleien und Wildurinieren – Alkoholisierte beschäftigen Polizei

Finally, I have a Lokal on Rue de la Tour in the Luxembourg-Clausen district. More people were seen in a Polizei Pressmittlung der Polizei before any changes were made.

A strong alcoholic, alcohol became easier to control, “and he started drinking alcohol.” The person had no information and no information on the Gewahrsam genome.

Another article quoted Mann as saying “Lokals, let alone use a better word, were easier”. Ansprache followed the arrest with “much more information” and “more information” regarding the policing of the situation.

There is a much drier Mann ship in Passanten, on Fort Neipperg Street. “An extremely alcoholic and aggressive substance in the Gewahrsam genome, the stars are a Gefahr für die öffentliche Ordnung dar ve wurde ebenfalls”, Schließt die Polizei die Meldung.