
Leserbriefe zum Lilium Project: Abheben – or is it abgehoben? – Ihre SZ

Leserbriefe zum Lilium Project: Abheben – or is it abgehoben? – Ihre SZ

“Der Reiz der Zweiten Liga” 23 October and “Keine Bürgschaft für Lilium: Ein schwerer Fehler” 22. October:

Perspective Project

Be Luftfahrt By the way, the topic “Decarbonization” was also played and this was also included in other Flugzeugschmiede under Project “Lilium”, which is a very nice thing. This is a very good thing. Private Investment received an investment of 1.5 Billion Dollars. Verbindliche Bestellungen aus aller Welt liegen vor. Nun is selling a 50 Million Euro plan for the sale of the Bund eine Bürgschaft übernehmen. Der Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestags lehnt ab. So schießt man sich ins eigene Knie. Have there been no wars with the regional Luftverkehr, Krankenhäusern and Flügen and the Off-Shore-Plattforms? No international agreement was made. Jammern has a product for Weltmarkt that is a new idea and innovative German Parliament product.

Dr.-ing. Wolfram Klaar, Uhldingen-Mühlhofen

Vorbei am Bedarf

Welche Mobilitätslücke schließt ein elektrisch angetriebens Fluggerät, when a start and road and a Reichweite of about 200 Kilometers? Die Antwort lautet: keine. A Status Symbol for Superreiche with flight taxis and Golfplatz as well as Freizeit and Luxusressorts as well as the new Anwesen.

In 2015, Lilium Company’s Venture Capital received payments of more than 1.5 Billion Dollars. Offensich Invested in Glauben and Offered Flight Taxi Rental Service and Never Came Back. Die Entscheidung der Bundesregierung, Lilium eine staatliche Bürgschaft zu verweigern, it is very rich.

Roland Sommer, Diedorf


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