
Star Wars Outlaws: New Update and New Story DLC “Wild Card” from Weg

Star Wars Outlaws: New Update and New Story DLC “Wild Card” from Weg

Das New update for Star Wars Outlaws On November 21, 2024, Ubisoft updated Spielerfahrung, further expanding the Kampfsystem to increase the appeal of the Open World Title. Game Edition may take a look at Ubisoft Massive during Game Updates and roll out a new update later.

Focus on Camping and Optimum Mechanics

Entwickler is familiar with Kampfsystems’ Optimization Focus. Kopfschüsse wurden gestaltet, während die gegneranpassungen umfangreich ausfallen. Lebenspunkte, Rüstung und Schwachpunkte der Gegner wurden überarbeitet, sodass jeder Gegnertyp einzigartiger wirkt. Schwachpunkte was a trip to travel and travel, and that was a very simple move. Additionally, the entire Waffenmechanik is complete: the use of Rückstoß, Feuerrate, Munition and Genauigkeit with the verbs “Waffengefühl”.

Audio, VFX and many other features can also be used thanks to feedback. Einige Waffen with Ashiga ABR-2 Zato Blastergewehr, a new Einzigartigkeit hervorzuheben with a new Schussmuster. The new Module can be used free of charge with the Power-Modul (Durchbrechen von Deckungen) and Ionenmodul (Längeres Betäuben von Gegnern) as well as more Möglichkeiten and Freiheit in Kampf.

Verbesserte Deckungsmechanik and the new Inhalte im DLC

Deckungssystem is extremely intuitive and intuitive. The camera became more stable in Deckungen and Schulterperspektive helped Zielen perform better. With more Animations and Mechanisms, smoother and more comfortable gameplay, even more powerful for Tactics and Action. Gleichzeitig chose the label Story-DLC “Wild Card”, which comes with a new mission and is a Wiedersehen with Lando Calrissian bietet. The DLC is versatile, featuring new items and more.

Update 1.4 and Ubisoft Engagement DLC appear as a more detailed title regarding the games. Optimum Campus, a Deckungs system and interesting new Content with games. Ob diese Maßnahmen ausreichen, um die schwachen Verkaufszahlen auszugleichen, bleibt jedoch abzuwarten.