
Außenpolitik: Von Gaza bis China – So Bettel Luxemburgs Rolle in der Welt

Außenpolitik: Von Gaza bis China – So Bettel Luxemburgs Rolle in der Welt


AußenpolitikVon Gaza bis China – So Bettel Luxemburg’s Rolle in der Welt

LUXEMBOURG – Austrian Minister Xavier Bettel has thrown Luxembourg into a tumultuous Weltpolitik with the United States against Gaza, along with China.

Thomas Holzer

Thomas Holzer

Austrian Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel (DP), thinks that Europe is becoming a new European country. Beton is going through a very turbulent period and its center is settled in Akzent in a geopoliticized way. At the plenum, Prime Minister Luc Frieden (CSV) saw Bettel Themen as one of the post-war diplomats from the United States, the crisis in Gaza, Krieg from Ukraine and China.

Verenigte Staaten

Bettel is in the Vereinigten Staaten with the Transatlantischen Bedeutung of the Bündnisses, also in the same position as Trump. “America is the first darf nicht that America is not bedeuten alone,” Bettel said. The Conduct of the New Hostkonflikt in the USA, as Akteur’s Verzichtbaren, is one of the greatest losses of the Engagement afterwards.


Andauernde Krieg in Ukraine, den Bettel als einen der schwersten Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht bezeichnete, stand im Zentrum seiner Rede. “Es ist nicht moglich, neutral zu bleiben, wenn ein Mitglied des BM Sicherheitsrats seinen Nachbarn angreift”, erklärte mit russian invasion. Bettel issued a major warning about Ukraine’s regional integration under Donald Trump’s administration, strengthening a European stronghold. As part of the Konflikt Konsequenzen in the West, Bedrohung died during Putin’s nuclear weapons.


Bettel evaluated Israel’s military actions in Gaza and Lebanon. There is something in a Gewalt and a Rückkehr zum Völkerrecht. Luxemburg’s Position for a Zwei-Staaten-Lösung und der Unterstützung of UNRWA is a position clearly pointed out by Israel. A Sense of State shows that a Botschaft in Tel Aviv has much more Schritte than a real Bedingüngen, an important step for Netanyahu’s political signal.


At the end of November an Arbeitsreise and Wirtschaftsminister in China were led by Lex Delles (DP). Trotz Differences in Menschenrechtsfragen in Luxembourg China As a Global Fragen Partner, we are a partner within Krieg in Ukraine. “China kann eine Schlüsselrolle bei einer dauerhaften Friedenslösung spielen”, i.e. Bettel. Warned about the process of diplomatic isolation of China between Russia and Russia, and strategic strategies with Asian states were concretized and the World Context in Osaka, Japan was established.


Bettel has made a fresh start using the European Union and the new Binnenmarkt. «Everything in Brussels entschieden? No, we are in Brussels”, it is not like that. The current state of the EU in Ziel can later also be reached in the provinces of Georgien and Moldawien during Russia’s entry into Europe. In Bereichen, Bettel with Klimagipfel COP29 and Verhandlungen zwischen Aserbaidschan and Armenien was in the most beautiful place of Fortschritte.

Greater Region

Mit Blick in the Greater Region Hob der Ehemalige Premier Di Bedeutung Grezüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit Hervor. Luxemburg is with the Region’s largest Arbeitsmarkts Zentrum, a flexible Arbeitswelt Angewiesen, Einschließlich der Förderung von Telearbeit and better Mobilitätsangeboten. Between 230,000 Grenzarbeitern, 124,000 and Frankreich, it is considered the capital of Luxembourg and Europe.

Der Rest der Welt

Better to do nothing in Africa, once again as a way to participate in a discussion. Lage in the Sahelzone found Conflict in Sudan and Congo to be alarming. The rest of Iran remains in the Dialogue with the Saved Records, with the Volk not advancing any further. Neue Perspektiven eröffnen sich zudem indien und Nordamerika, wo Luxemburg eröffnen eröffnen eine Botschaft en Ottawa.

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