
Cybersecurity with KI: Strategischer Vorteil or Sicherheitsrisiko?

Cybersecurity with KI: Strategischer Vorteil or Sicherheitsrisiko?

To optimize hacker with Angriffsversuche. Is CIAM a loss or something else? An interview with Stephan Schweizer von Nevis.

KI als Spielmacher in Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Chance or Risk for Unternehmen?

Stephan Schweizer: KI tipped his hat to Spielregeln Verändert. Afterwards we often battled opportunism – Accords ensured everything went smoothly and everything went smoothly. One of the best is KI-gestützter Eingriff. Tools that scan Netzwerk in Sekunden, Deepfakes identity processing and productive KI erstellt Schadsoftware, private Schwachstellen zügeschnitten ist. Gleiche gilded for Verteidigung: KI can be done with Bedrohungen early and adaptable Sicherheitsstrategy. This is a very dynamic wetness: Never aufrüstet, wird zurückgelassen.Der Schlüssel, darin, KI strategy and never done anything for nothing, extremely angry, bevor sie geschehen – for more information you can use the best strategies of CIAM.

Was CIAM working in Kampf’s Bedrohungen?

Stephan Schweizer: CIAM – Customer Identity and Access Management – ​​is the most important feature of Zugangskontrollsystem. This is a Sicherheitsarchitekt in Echtzeit entscheidet, we’ auf was zugreifen darf und wer nicht. Equipped with CIAM Technology, Adaptive Authentication, Anomaly Early Authentication and Multi-Factor Authentication. This was a very large machine, this happened very quickly, Sicherheitsmaßnahmen dynamic und Risikolage anzupassen, ohne die Benutzererfahrung zu beeinträchtigen. This also means that you also have an empty Firewall to do nothing and require no further security measures.

Is there CIAM functionality in the app?

Stephan Schweizer: Don’t do anything like a Phishing Attack, so the most preferred false is Nutzer. The fact that the CIAM-System has never taken any offensive measures, Nutzers’ data after the latest analysis: Who will manage the Anmeldung? Is the hardware valid? Have you passed Nutzungsmuster? Basic data can be automatically recorded via biometric verification. So Angriff allows Nutzer to do something, rather than Schaden’s wealth.

Angriffe was smarter. Didn’t the passive stop Sicherheitsstratejien’s dieser Entwicklung Schritt?

Stephan Schweizer: Even though it is a dangerous situation, you may still choose to undertake a complex venture. Data Poisoning can be done by so-called KI-Modelle manipuliert or by the automatic Schwachstellensuche navigated in Netzwerke. Rolling Updates and Risky Passes come with modern and up-to-date updates. We have something to focus on, we do everything for ourselves – and we don’t have any technology, we have a very dynamic and dynamic strategy.

Welche Schlüsselmaßnahmen sollten unternehmen ergreifen, um auf der sicheren Seite zu bleiben?

Stephan Schweizer: Schlüssel has numerous data: Data manipulations during Verschlüsselung, Echtzeit-Überwachung aller sicherheits relevant Activation and a System, on a “Privacy by Design” basis. CIAM is one of the most important evergreens and it is something that all staff can use. This has nothing to do with Angriffen, but the EU Artificial Intelligence Act is not allowed to make regulatory changes.

Can You Apply for Combination with KI and CIAM in Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Gaming?

Stephan Schweizer: Technologies and strategies are a strategy strategy. KI is a better choice, Bedrohungen vorherzusagen, während CIAM diese Intelligenz nutzt, ve Sicherheitsmaßnahmen nahtlos umzusetzen. Unternehmen, diese Combination versatile et integrative, Schaffen eine Architektur, die nicht nur bestehende Bedrohungen abwehrt, sondern sich auch automatisch und new Angriffsvektoren anpasst. This is a product of Cybersecurity: an adaptable, better and immersive Schritt game.

Stephan Schweizer

ist Chief Executive Officer bei Nevis.