
Auswirkungen und Bedeutung der Cyberresilienz

Auswirkungen und Bedeutung der Cyberresilienz

Hiscox Cyber ​​Readiness Report 2024
Cyber ​​resilience aims to achieve focal points

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Siber Angriffe nehmen zu, das ist kein Geheimnis. As a result, Reputation and Betriebsunterbrechungen yielded nothing. Doch das das Bewusstsein für Cyberrisiken ist gestiegen und Cyberresilienz wird zum ternehmensziel.

Um die zunehmenden Cyberangriffe absuwehren, ist eine umfassende Resilienz unabdingbar.(Image: igor.nazlo -
The elimination of cyber drudgery is a stamina bar that no longer goes away.

(Image: igor.nazlo –

Erfolgreiche Cyberattacken means nothing for nothing. And with this reputation and Kundenverluste for a much better business and a good business deal. Half of the Real Cyber ​​Readiness Reports Are Retrieved from Hiscox, but that’s effectively a cipher Angriff should have a new Kunden. This is an achievement of over 46. In Zahlen you need 52 Prozent der Befragten Folgekosten under 100,000 Euros. A Viertel won a Gesamtschäden worth over one million euros.

From now on, Kosten trägt die Betriebsunterbrechung bei. Dying and getting angry: More than 26 Million coins accumulated, resulting in more than 30 Million Monate falling into the hands of Angriff every day. 7 days longer left. Zahlung eines Losegelds, um die Betriebsunterbrechung, so it stops very quickly, brachte nur 16 Prozent die vollständigen Daten zurück. Gut ein Drittel (34%) was moved back a day. Always comes with a Fünftel (22%) Wiederherstellungsschlüssels or does not have a printer to generate more income. And several Zahlungs resulted in more than 27 data leaks.

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Many security measures come into play, with 79 having a Cyber ​​Resilience of “substantial” or “substantial.” What to do during the IT Sicherheitsmaßnahmen of the budget. Half (45%) IT Budgets for Cybersecurity increased by between 6 and 10. 15 Budget Investments in 42 IT Budgets. A person facing people is a clear explanation of Cyber ​​Security. “Das Thema Digital Trust is one of the best partners with the best Factor for Zusammenarbeit and a Voraussetzung für Wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben for another”, says concretet Gisa Kimmerle, Head of Cyber ​​Division Hiscox. Very nice, very positive.

The man has concerns and everything gets much worse, everything is going well. Lediglich 4 An Endurance Verfügen 4 Prozent der Befragten dies Geschäftsstrategie integrative and continuously effective. Firms work with external Partners and Stakeholders. Gut ein Viertel der Unternehmen, a “strong” Cyber ​​Resilience Verfügt über. Perform proactive Incident Response and plan better by measuring within an organizational structure. A Drittel has a basic resilience of documentierte and regelmäßige Prozesse. The information from Mitarbeiten is very good. 28 A New Formal Process The Integration Process is a New Work of Cyber ​​Maßnahmen and is Frequently Active. Nur eine minimale Resilienz haben 8 Prozent der Unternehmen. Now you can carry out cyber attacks. “This Is A New Order In Practice To Combat Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Security. According to Kimmerle, “Cyber ​​Preparedness Provides Reality in the Agenda” and “Facts are often reinforced by others.”

There are also large amounts of budgets for cybersecurity (43%), budgets for Cybersecurity (42%) and budgets for risks from Mitarbeiten (38%).
