
Pratteln BL sagt Ja zum Quartierplanung Bredella-Areal West

Pratteln BL sagt Ja zum Quartierplanung Bredella-Areal West

For the Quartierplanung of Bredella-Areal West there is the Stimmbevölkerung of Pratteln.

The Stimmbevölkerung of Pratteln BL formed the Quartierplanung of Bredella-Areal West from 1903 to 1481. -Gemeinde Pratteln

The new Bahnhofs of the Industrial Zone are sold jointly with Wohnungen and Gewerbe in an intertwined ortsteil.

“Bevölkerung brought Vertrauen to Projekt in Australia and provided a better opportunity for a better Lebensqualität for a better life”, was recently featured in the Medienmitteilung by Stephan Burgunder (FDP). Gemäss cantonalem Richtplan is a Mischnutzung for Regional Verpflichtet.

The plant reached 380 Wohnungen in Bredella-Areal West and 520 Wohnungen in Bredella-Areal Ost. The 50’000 Quadratmeter Gewerbefläche has always created a workspace of very small value. The masterplan is located in Parkanlagen, Innenhöfe and various areas of the Area.

Zukunftspläne: Infrastructure and Financing

Zur Erschliessung came with a Velounterführung and a new Bushof in the Bahnhof. Verkehrsinfrastruktur, Gemeinde cost 9.6 Million Frankena Viertel der Gesamtkosten. Fee for the New Double Kindergarten and Schulraum and the New Schulhaus Münchacker is 12 Million Franken.

Investment Investment of $21.6 Million Franken We Won the Ship Back with Steuererträgen with 3.5 Million Franken Pro-Jahr. Infrastructure work will be started with Stimberechtigten at the next Volksabstimmung for 2026. Der Einwohnerrat has a quarterly planning from 31 June to 6 June. Gegen den Beschluss enabled the referendum to take place.