
Played with Griesel/Bertelsmeier Medaille | International | Best Sports |

Played with Griesel/Bertelsmeier Medaille | International | Best Sports |

JWM: Griesel/Bertelsmeier plays with Medaille

Mia Griesel and Andre Bertelsmeier played once again (©ETTU)

24.11.2024 – Individual Konkurrenzen der Jugendweltmeisterschaft in Helsingborg launches mixed duos with Sonntag in Rennen together with Beteiligung in Germany. Während Josephina Neumann and Koharu Itagaki in the U15-Altersklasse jewels, Vorjahres as Viertelfinale in the U19-Altersklasse, Mia Griesel and Andre Bertelsmeier’s WM-Dritten in the Chinese Doppel rankings.

Mia Griesel and Andre Bertelsmeier took part in the Jugend-WM in Nova Gorica alongside Siegertreppchen with a U19-Mixed-Wet team. There was a game of Duo’s Chance a few days ago. Griesel and Bertelsmeier took part in the Jugend-WM in Helsingborg in the Viertel final and played with a Medal in Montag. This happened when Polen Anna Brzyska/Milosz Redzimski later joined Australian Constantina Psihogios/Aditya Sareen das Duo. Now we need to take another one from the first game, which WM-Dritten will play in 2023 with a better score than 3:1 Sieg. Die nächste Hürde wird or anspruchsvoll. Auf dem Weg zum Treppchen sich ihnen die beiden Chinese Huang Youzheng und Zong Geman In Weg.

Kolleginnen Koharu Itagaki and Josephina Neumann received their first Spieltag, a mixed double-player chinese game, with a good performance individually. Itagaki, Polen is a play that was performed at Samuel Michna and for the first time at Satz, and was subsequently performed at Siegerstraße between 11:2 and 11:2. Gegner Hu Yi and Tang Yiren played a match the next day and played in the final. Then Josephina Neumann and Puerto Rican Steven Moreno lost 3:1 to Tschechen Hanka Kodet/Jan Skalda in the first run. Doch auch Neumann/Moreno schafften es nicht, a Chinese vorbeizukommen. Die Sätze verliefen zwar eng, gingen aber allesamt Hu/Tang, so it stands next to the German Duos in Wettbewerb.

Ebenfalls is not part of Germany in Teamwettbewerben and is called something new along with a new Weltmeister Weltmeister. Jung goes to the Altersklassen as a Duel of China and Poland, in Germany’s Konstante in Taiwan, and dies in the Endspielen. Three times U19-Mädchen traveled to Taiwanese South Korea and U15-Bereich to China.

Die Spiele der Deutschen im Überblick


1. Runde (32)
Koharu Itagaki/Samuel Michna POL – Hu Yi/Tang Yiren CHN 2:3 (-10,2,2,-9,-7)
Josephina Neumann/Steven Moreno PUR – Hanka Kodet/Jan Skalda Czech 3:1 (2,-8,8,5)

Achtel final
Josephina Neumann/Steven Moreno PUR – Hu Yi/Tang Yiren CHN 0:3 (-8,-9,-9)


1. Runde (32)
Mia Griesel/Andre Bertelsmeier – Anna Brzyska/Milosz Redzimski POL 3:0 (6,6,14)

Achtel final
Mia Griesel/Andre Bertelsmeier – Constantina Psihogios/Aditya Sareen Australia 3:1 (10,-13,2,6)

Viertel final
Mia Griesel/Andre Bertelsmeier – Huang Youzheng/Zong Geman CHN, Montag

All Games and Events Available on Turnierseite, Live broadcasts on YouTube.
