
Digades schaltet wegen Insolvenz Internet-Services für Produkte ab

Digades schaltet wegen Insolvenz Internet-Services für Produkte ab

In combination with a special App, the features offered by Bedienung von Standheizungen – fun entertainment ist.

Zittau. Digades sparked Zittau’s interest in technology. A large firm is a single firm with a luxury state-of-the-art for automobiles: Fernbedienungen for Standheizungen. Audi, Bentley, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW or naturally VW – each of them are brands that Rang and Namen order differently from other brands. Doch genau dieses Schlüsselprodukt – einst die Geldkuh des Unternehmens – brachte Digades dann auch in wirtschaftliche Schieflage – weil die digitale Zeit darüber hinweggegangen war. Es fogten Kurzarbeit, entlassungen and schließlich die noch laufende Insolvenz. There is a huge demand for one product, which is Niedergang’s flagship product, Kunden für Verdruss.

Digades was able to work and install stably with smartphones and applications. You have a feature for a mobile application, you need a smartphone to use Autohersteller with the new applications. Digades was never able to stop Schritt and prevented Hersteller from returning to Kunden. Some apps have set up alerts regarding an app loss. Doch had a much better function, not more functions.

Warum eine Funkfernbedienung zu wenig Komfort war

Einer der Betroffenen ist Klaus Thümmel (69) und Chemnitz. “Ich fahre seit Jahren VW Tiguan – immer mit Standheizung”, that’s true. Diese Zusatzausstattung schätzt is another Grinden. There is something I can enjoy about a car in a winter season. It is a very good thing for the engine and the Umwelt that the Standheizung Verschleiß and the kraftstoff-intensive Kaltstarts are very good. And Fernbedienung came from the side of Hause Digades. However, “Die Reichweite des Funksenders bet up to a maximum of 100 Meters” – and there was a battle involving a large amount of Shippers and Auto-Senders.