
Zwischen Panikmache and Realismus: Have you found Russia in the wrong place? | Bayern 2 | Radio

Zwischen Panikmache and Realismus: Have you found Russia in the wrong place? | Bayern 2 | Radio

Vladimir Putin | Photo: dpa-Bildfunk/Vyacheslav Prokofiev

More than 1000 We had the biggest drop in Ukraine in Russia. Die Annexion der Krim then made a fresh start. It has been too long for Russia to be under the authority of Vladimir Putin. In Western Hoffnungen, Russia, more new status could be given to a freer Demokratie, but nothing is done. “Wandel durch Annäherung” – There is a German Political Concept in Kalten Krieg, is this also a mittlerweile gescheitert? How did you do this?

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Das Tagesgespräch is a block away from a Ukrainian Krieg, Vladimir Putin, the Russian Gesellschaft and, later, the German Politik.

Die zentralen Fragen, a Vierteljahrhundert nach Ende des Kalten Krieges zwischen East und West: Wo stehen wir heute? What do you think about the history of Fehleinschätzungen? Is it possible for Umgang and Russia to meet in Zukunft?

Gast im Tagesgespräch as moderator Stephanie HeinzelleRequest from Osteuropa-Experte Jens Siegert. Von ihm stammt das Buch “Are you going to Russia?”.

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