
For Fitnesslevel: You can pay 600 Calories at a time with “Deep Workout”.

For Fitnesslevel: You can pay 600 Calories at a time with “Deep Workout”.

Deep Work is a Progressive Training model combining Elements, Holz, Feuer, Metall and Wasser. Train your muscles with cardio and exercises and have a workout full of best energy. Robert Steinbacher’s participation in the following phased training:

1. Ankommen

Atemübungen helfen, den Alltag abzuschütteln.

2. Ausdehnen

Muskeln was very good and warm.

3. run

The man is in Liegestütz position and zieht abwechselnd die Knie nach vorn, Running auf der Stelle.

4. Schwungphase 1

Intervalltraining at Kreislauf in Schwung kommt, Kraft und Entspannung wechseln sich ab.

5. Schwung Stage 2

Ausdauerübungen fürs Herz-Kreislauf-System wechseln mit funktionellen Kraftübungen ab.

6. Sprints

Intense Sprints save energy.

7. Ruhephase

Shots were fired during the exercise.

Deep Work is the optimal fitness level experience in terms of Pace and Intensity. Best for: Up to 600 Calories can be saved in one Deep Workout.

Dieser Newstext published a Transcription of a Video. This Video is a Partner of Glomex.