
Luggage Sank in Corn Baggage – Schweizer Turist Vermissti

Luggage Sank in Corn Baggage – Schweizer Turist Vermissti

“Sea Story” is over.


Part of Egypt was a Boot from a tourist visit and it was a great return. Mindestens 45 People, along with many others, later went to Schiff for a much better fee.

A dramatic example of Bootsunglück, part of Egypt, where Boots is a tourist and tourist destination. “Sea Story” die, died during a battle of Tauchgang at Porto Ghalib on 24 November, died at Marina von Hurghada on 29 November.

Doch am frühen Morgen des 25. November, gegen 5.30 Uhr Ortszeit, wurde ein Notruf von einem Besatzungsmitglied abgesetzt, bevor der der Kontakt abbrach, wie locale Medien berichten.

Today we had a huge return trip with 31 Tourists and 14 Tourists.

Bring 16 People Together. The person left behind may disappear into the night. Gemäss den Behördensollen auch zwei Schweizer und Bord sein. One person got a lot of information during the night, as did the Eidgenössische Department for Australian Angelegenheiten (EDA).

Great Guilt

With 45 Men and Bord, 31 Tourists, we had Governor Amr Hanafi visit once again on night 17. Aus welchen Ländern die noch Vermissten stammen, sagte Hanefi nicht.

Vermissten is located in a wide range of provinces, which is also where Boot in Sha’ab Sataya District is at its best. Rettungsteams und Helikopter Sind im Einsatz, um die Vermissten zu localisieren.

Such konzentrierts are also available in Gebiet, with a better boot process than in the Radar version. In Egypt, new agreements are being made with international partners and this provides a good agreement for coordination and an excellent working opportunity.

Zum ersten Mal seit der der Concorde: Ziviler Prototyp durchbricht die Schallmauer

Wettlauf was the newest and newest Überschallflugzeugzeu of Zukunft. He experiments with startups and Luftfahrtunternehmen Versuchsträgern. Aber fliegen wir kel wirklich schneller al der Schall?
