
Gespräch with Luzerner Kernteam

Gespräch with Luzerner Kernteam

«Tipisch Emile»: Luzerner Filmemacher erzählen, wie der Film zustande kam

A Treffen in Atelier reviewed the former Luzerner Film Schaffenden along with Emil Steinberger’s next film, Dokumentarfilm, which received much more critical acclaim. Wieso sich der Kinobesuch lohnt ve wir nun viles better verstehen.

Betritt man das Atelier der Luzerner Filmemacher was at first Hunden’s begrüsst. Fenster soon put Luft in a difficult position once again. Kaffeepuraklat. I’m disgusted, Raum stehenen offenen on a sofa and another Kinosessel. Ich lasse mich in einen hineinfallen. Ums Kino enjoyed another Gespräch with Luzerner’s 91st Anniversary film “Tipisch Emil”. Phil Meyer, Elmar Bossard and Simon End are in Kernteam. This is a longer movie.

Phil Meyer (links), Elmar Bossard (Mitte) and Simon End work in a workshop at the gemütlichen Atelier in Luzern, which Hunde can use free of charge.

Phil Meyer (links), Elmar Bossard (Mitte) and Simon End work in a workshop at the gemütlichen Atelier in Luzern, which Hunde can use free of charge.

Photo: Nadia Schärli

A film that is Emil Steinberger’s best film. Warum haben ausgerechnet diese jungen Typen den «Zuschlag” bekommen? Kurzantwort: Learn the words of Emil and Niccel Steinberger. And sie haben keinen Film über Emil gedreht, sondern mit ihm. And Miss Niccel. “Sie wollten nicht jemanden, der schon 100 Dokumentarfilme gedreht hat”, sagt Regisseur Phil Meyer. In a 50-minute Fernseh-Dok – then gab es schonrere towards Anfragen – and recaptured Emils Leben?

Über die Bühnenfigur hinaus sehen

Something unusual happened, he left Meyer. One and Elmar Bossard did not know the Cameraman, they met through a friend and never made Ehepaar in Basel useless. A year later Meyer and Bossard appeared in special films and co-produced with the camera – Ehrenpreis, 90. Geburtstag -, “Damn person Emil näherkommt und über seine Figur hinaussieht”, Co-Producer Simon End.

We made a start to the Bühnentournee, in this festival as a Work of Art event, we had a nice final festival. And Bossard saw Emil and Niccel overcome everything. Niccel managed to contact Berufskollegen and Weggefährten ermöglicht. Ansonsten made Steinberger absolutely fast. Franz Hohler and Franz Hohler, at Emil’s request, were the best thing in gold.

“Was Macht ihr heute?” Oh, were you in my archives?»

“Emil and Niccel had a great day,” said the cameraman. You took on the role of the hero “Sehr dankbare”. These gems were something a camera had, according to Emil, much more recently. The man was also Film sieht, Emil und Niccel privat, ist natürlich; eine «sehr eigene, feine, echte Zweisamkeit». “Ich habe sehr wenige Regieanweisungen gegeben,” said Phil Meyer. And so it was, the Recording Manager and the Cameraman said: «Was Macht ihr heute? Oh, am I in Archive? Wir kommen vorbei.” There’s a lot more later. We have made you rich.

It was also the decision of Phil Meyer and Elmar Bossard. Nothing was done for free, before adding a label to the project “Emil”, nothing was done, this is not an idea for us. Films Know-how and Equipment are available in-house. Das Vertrauen wuchs, das gedrehte Material war gut, sie seien “extrem nahe zusammengerückt”. And something that has a very long crystallization. This took place with the Steinbergers and was also officially featured in the Film Partnership. Und: «Emil liebt Filme!», concrete Phil Meyer. Kinodokumentarfilm has a trauma, which is the best of the registry. It never came back and then sagged. “Der dramaturgische Rahmen, wie und was wir erzählen, stammt von uns.” Telephone, By post, were standardized as Mittagessen.

Das Filmteam Removed a File from the Archive. 80 Private use was made of the tape and after a while – Niccel and Emil never did anything. Das Ehepaar gab sie in die Hände der Filmemacher, “mit der Erlaubnis, sie auch zu verwenden”, told Simon End. The man will not give up on a movie and will think about watching a movie. Drei Mäzene is the last of the Bereich Bildende Art and has never appeared anything new, but a schliesslich ergänzt in the register. The filmmakers “Typical Emil” eine eigene Produktionsfirma gegrndet and Simon End also had success as a producer.

These many nights have never been said

Formerly 70 Film Minutes made an impact along with Emils Bühnenfigur’s Entwicklung. Family schwierigen causes Mutter and Umstand’s Beziehungs and Beamtenjobs in Riss’s post office to take much more time. This isn’t much to say. He worked with Wunderbar, Jugendfreund Armin Beeler and the former Theatreversuche. I think Monate is affiliated with Arbeit am Schnitt. Cutter Justin Stoneham (“Fast Forward”) – Luzerner, a jetzt in Zurich – at night as a neutral Click on the material once and it’s nothing better. A “Goldgrube” is a special video monitoring tool.

This is news that is considered part of the journalistic profession. Wieso confused Niccel Emils Heiratsantrag vorlesen? Looking for one in the Hochzeits video? Isn’t it something special? Was it Für eine Bedeutung hat das für die Geschichte? There are also some caveats and warnings due to irritation in the Registry. And he said: “Der Film, Emil’s Entwicklung with Bühnenfigur und wie er heute damit lebt ve umgeht.” In addition to Emil and Kleintheater, Emil and Modern Cinema were also on Rande’s side. Die Hochzeit, die Liebesgeschichte zwischen Emil und Niccel, ihren Anfang nahm in New York City, leite Emils Spätwerk ein, eine Lebens- und Arbeitsgemeinschaft.

One day wider space Emil Steinberger

Resentment can be nothing more than the old Maya Rudin and a movie for no movie. And there’s something Phil Meyer said. «Wir hätten dem nicht gerecht werden können.” Maya Rudin In 2023, Movie In Production. And he hasn’t contributed anything to a Projekt project.

Der Film has a wider range of Emil Steinberger. Once again in New York City, Medienanfragen in Schweiz has yet to come up with anything new and has a very good film. Jetzt Schreibt wrote an Autobiography of Emil Steinberger. Aber told Elmar Bossard: “Das ist keine Überheblichkeit, und doch weiss er um seinen Wert.” Man müsse doch wissen, dass es das alles einmal gegeben habe, sagt Emil im Film. Auch Simon End spricht von «Wertschätzung», Wertschätzung dem Publikum gegenüber: «Auf der Vorpremierentour hat er alle Fragen beantwortet und alle Autogrammwünsche erfüllt.»

Auch die gegenseitige Wertschätzung aller am Film Beteiligten very disgusting, das spürt man. Ein bisschen Stolz schwingt mit. I bought a few more from Ausgang. Da herrscht ein guter Groove, diesem Atelier.


«Typical Emil », He jetzt to Kino.