
Motorola Edge 50 Neo im Praxis-Test: Style and presets

Motorola Edge 50 Neo im Praxis-Test: Style and presets

There is a war being fought in Germany in the spirit of Motorola – a patented world war. Doch die Streitigkeiten sind beige and very earthy extremely new Geräte den Regalen. This is a product of the Edge 50 Series, the latest model of the Edge 50 Neo. The Smartphone is in no way interested in anything else, but everything works fine. This shows that there is something better about the Motorola Edge 50 Neo on Praxis-Test.

Best 5G-Smartphones up to 500 Euros

Bunte Pantone Welt von außen

2022 Motorola smartphones collaborated with Pantone. Anfang und ungewöhnlich erschien, ist inzwischen zu einem Markenzeichen geworden. Schließlich uses Gehäusefarben in the rest of the smartphones. This is the new version of Edge 50. Unser Testgerät, Farbe Poiciana Red (Rot) – then best sold with Latte Brown (Kaffeefarben), Nautical Blue (Dunkelblau) and Grisaille Gray (Grau). Hold hands in a vegan way and face great danger. Einziger Nachteil gegenüber Glasrückseiten: Die Kratzfestigkeit ist nicht so hoch. Spitze: This smartphone is not IP 68 certified and that’s too bad.

These pictures, combined with a smartphone, have an improved texture, with a structural structure. Im Fokus makes a smaller comeback regarding Aufschrift "PANTONE Poinciana," Der die Spezifische Farbe des Geräts Angibt. Smartphones are too flimsy and weak for a USB-C-Anschluss and many other Components. Der Hintergrund ist eine glatte, helle Oberfläche

The collaboration with Pantone is also available on smartphones.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

The Display auf der Vorderseite is 6.36 groß. Although it is obvious, the PC Software is well suited to an AMOLED – a feature that is much improved in Praxis-Test. This is a very nice image, with good contrast and a distinctive look. This is a flight for the Breathing of a Bildschirm consisting of a Bildwiederholrate of 120 Hertz. Combining LTPO-Technique with Einsatz to achieve a dynamic Regelung in the Bildwiederholrate ranking – this is one of the best schools and the best in Akku.

Along with a series of smartphones, Bild also has a smartphone like a Kissen or someone else. Smartphone Screen is a scratch built app menu along with an App Menu. You can use different App Symbols on Google, Moto, Facebook, LinkedIn, Camera and Play Store. This device is a camera hit ahead of older displays. He met early on with two Kissen in Blautönen, a Rautenmuster, and also with Stoff and Blauen Streifen. Umgebung offers a wonderful and immersive experience as part of the smartphone screen.

The display of the Motorola Edge 50 Neo comes with a one-day Praxis-Test.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

Gute Technik im Inneren

A voice went through me, but I was of no use. There were no warnings about the Motorola Edge 50 Neo gilded technique. Haube has a MediaTek Dimensity 7300 Processor with 8 or 12 Gigabytes (GB) of storage (RAM) and different variants. With 12 GB of RAM, the smartphone performed even better in Vorgänger’s previous comparisons. Eine Granate in Sachen Leistung is not a new feature of the Edge 50, it allows smartphones to be used together with devices such as chat, surfing and telephony. Internet memory is sold in 256 GB or 512 GB gross – the highest Speicher card slot is much lower. It has a convenient Nano-Sim Slot – eSIM is easier to use in addition to Dual Sim-Convenient Use of Smartphones.

Positive: Theme Updates Motorola Also Received: The Edge 50 Neo ships with Android 14 and comes with more major OS updates. Aktuelle Sicherheitsupdates is guaranteed until 2029. Motorola has no Stand. SAMSUNG order GoogleRichtige Richtung also has it. Fast connection allows you to connect via 5G, Wifi 6E with 2.4 Gigahertz, 5 Gigahertz and 6 Gigahertz NFC for one device with a long update guarantee.

Überzeugendes Cameraaufgebot

The rear camera block is directly provided with four cameras and a Blitz: 50 Megapixels (MP), an ultra-bright camera 13 MP and a telephoto lens 10 MP. Ultralight cameras are also great for macro shooting. Having a front camera with 32 MP photo.

Bei Tageslicht is the Quality of the Home Camera. Different crafts and details go into everything in the Camera. While zooming, warnings about a loss of quality appeared. Spätestens ab der zehnfachen Vergrößerung gehen die gehen die gehen die spätestens ab der zehnfachen. Maximum, lots of important stuff – always details and any caveats or optional. Bei den Makroaufnahmen ist der richtige Abstand unerlässlich. Richly avoid doing something that Beleuchtung can always make the most of – but since it is never optimal, a quality Schnell.

Statement, Blick has a stadtische Landschaft on land in a Stadt. Ben Zentrum turned Kirchturm into a Uhr's brand with Hamburger Michel. Himmel was astonishing and grau was wetter with herbaceous plants or winter plants. I am Vordergrund and I have more Gebäude with Flachdächern, I have done a good job technically with Luftungssystemen. There are more clues that the user is behaving like a typical urbanite, behaving early and badly. I Hintergrund und modern Gebäude und Baukräne zu sehen, die Teil eines Hafens sind.

Bei Tageslicht fängt die Camera Details exactly.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

Bild has become a standard with a modern and diverse background. I have a Vordergrund in Fassaden with a very good Wohnhäuser and I sired a Dachern, albeit another. With Einige Dächer, Dachfenstern or Kleinen Balkonen. I have a very large Bildes and a modern Bürogebäude and a Glasfassade which is a Contrast of the previous traditional Gebäuden Steht. Dahinter captured a Hafenlandschaft with another Hafenkränen and fell behind Nebel. There are earlier geometries with more modern Hochhäuser and Gebäude in the paintings. Die Szene wirkt medicinal plants, and such a beautiful and beautiful plant as it was, very beautiful and a real stimulant.

Auch bei vierfacher Vergrößerung sind die Bilder noch brauchbar.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

Bild seize an Ausschnitt von Wohngebäuden in an urban Umgebung. I Focus offers a much better experience, with a beautiful Backstein façade and a beige color with elements from Fenster. The structural and symmetrical structure of the Fassaden is in line with the regelmäßigen Fenstern and Balkon, zum Teil mit weißen Geländern. Im Vordergrund is a small Dach bar, like Dachziegeln gedeckt. Dach weist eine helle Regenrinne und die einen kleinen Schornstein. New architectures and architectures with a different and modern architecture. I am Hintergrund, nothing but Szenerie and unscharf

Zoom has a problem.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

This Ausschnitt belongs to Rennwagens aus Plastik. This Automatic is a Heckspoiler schwarz. I am Hintergrund, Rennstrecke and Vinyl.

Bei Makroaufnahmen is a very rich thing.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

Use the Front Camera in Tageslicht in Praxis-Test. Kräftige Farben und eine gute Detailtreue sorgen für ein schönes Bild. Zudem has a Bokeh-Effect that consists of a retracted background. Wer es noch deutlicher haben möchte, muss auf den Porträtmodus wechseln. A higher value is the bokeh effect overnight. Positive: Auch Haarsträhnen Cannot Be Used With Background Camera Technique.

A Woman Owned a Dach. I Hintergrund and various Häuser zu sehen, die in urbane Stadt et al. Choose a burgundy Mütze, a beautiful Gestell with a runde Brille and a Schal in Dunkelblau and Grau. I am Hintergrund and now I am Geländer. der Hintergrund is minimal scratch removal.

Normal Selfies are presented with a bokeh effect.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

Was it Bietet der Akku?

Akku des Motorola Edge 50 Neo fastst 4.310 Milliamperestunden. Damn it, Stromreserve im Vergleich zum Vorgänger deutlich verkleinert. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass dieser Umstand nicht auch für die Laufzeit gilded – das Edge 40 Neo Schaffte nicht einmal zehn Stunden. Tag us to get the most out of the Über Smartphone. Positive: It has a Ladepower power of 65 Watts, which is a bit more. Motorola is expected to transfer Netzstecker to Verpackung later. Net: There is a 15 Watt cable between the smartphone and a smartphone cable.

Motorola Edge 50 Neo: Prices and Versions

Motorola Edge 50 Neo will be available in Germany in October 2024. Zum Verkaufsstart for Motorola Smartphone starts at 499.99 euros. Allerdings started at a price below 400 euros and Tendenz dropped even further. Versions with 12 GB RAM and 512 GB internal memory are regularly available in Germany – a Handler with some caveats regarding other versions imported from the EU with higher versions.

Motorola Edge 50 Neo: Application Tests

Motorola Edge 50 has become a next-generation model with a new combination of design and robust technology with the next-generation Edge 50 Series model. Those offered with Pantone are among the different variations of the device that are best optimized. Vegan Art Wants Something for a Gefühl on Hand. Die Ausstattung reicht für den alltäglichen Gebrauch aus – wer will beispielsweise auf Mobile Gaming, they have more income in their hands. While the camera is a reliable job, caveats it doesn’t match the quality of the Spitzen models. Installed and Reliable Update Guarantee with New Update Guarantee. The Edge 50 Neo is a beautiful package in terms of design and functionality.