
Smart Home Libäugelt mit Künstlicher Intelligenz – Smart Building / Smart Home

Smart Home Libäugelt mit Künstlicher Intelligenz – Smart Building / Smart Home

Smart Home has a new vision in the digital environment and home environment. Damit kommen auch neue Herausforderungen auf. Wie Embedded-KI smarte Energy-efficient machines and special data files, Viacheslav Gromov, Geschäftsführer from AITAD.

Service with Smarte Geräte kommen, Form von Lampen und Leuchten (36 Prozent), Heizkörper-Thermostaten (25 Prozent), Videoüberwachung (25 Prozent), Alarmanlagen (24 Prozent), Staubsauger- (22 Prozent) or Rasenmäher-Robotern (18 Prozent) gives. zoom Einsatz. After Haushaltsgeräte, Jalousien und Rollläden, Türk Kommunikation und Sicherheitskontrollen Bezehungsweise Einbruchschutz, Gefahrenmelder, wie und Rauchmelder, everything went well.

»Smart devices must be constantly used as Nutzer and Einsatz. In parallel, problems with Smart-Home-Markt are also eliminated. Diese reichen von Datenschutz bis zur Energieeffizienz«, ist Viacheslav Gromov, Geschäftsführer des Embedded-KI-Entwicklers AITAD, überzeugt.

Data and data were something else?

This is a smarter device and provides faster data transfer. There is logical data (personal data) in the Umlauf gebracht, in the Zeiten of Cybercriminalization and phishing attacks are carried out once again. Some advanced relationships make it possible to deliver the best solutions in Flexibility and Efficiency in Smart Home Usage and return more quality and data every time.

During the new Gestaltung, Sicherheit Grundsätze der näufig vernachlässigt, diespielsweise das Abgreifen von Daten. High device and data speeds had the highest performance among Internet users, which was a negative on device usage.

One of these problems is related to the energy and resource security of the device, which arise during connection, connection, bandwidth and transfer of large amounts of data. »Build smart devices using the Internet intelligently with Embedded KI for data data, so you die more efficiently, stable and without loss of resources.

Smart Home Use with KI

Smart Home Technologies (Embedded-KI) is a new smart home technology in Smart Home Technology. Bring your smartphone directly to your device – activate a cloud or a storage center.

This Technology is the best for everything in Arbeitsweise. You can find data directly by transferring large amounts of data to a cloud or a data warehouse. Thus, in Energy and Connections Verringert and Schnittstellen, the combined use of Einfallstor and Angriffe results in the creation of vermin. With the dissemination of data, more Bytes Arranged Auswertungsergebnisse übertragen was achieved.

»Embedded KI provides greater energy efficiency and higher data security – providing more data combined with high-level use of smart devices. Sit on a platinum with one small chip or one device. This Einsatz, the so-called Smart Home-Anwendungen wurken’, is cursed for a large number of people like Gromov.

Automatically Using Embedded-KI

Kaffeemaschine, Mixer or Spülmaschine – a smarter product and on the Hausalt stand. Embedded-KI has introduced more and more innovations to make it more efficient and more efficient. Das beginning schon beim Betreten des Hauses.

Mittels Gesichtsunterscheidung sich die Haustür is a competent person, zum Beispiel den Mitgliedern der Familie. Also Embedded-KI local arbeitet, werden keine biometrischen Daten übertragen, sondern nur die Erkenntnis, um welche der autorisierten Personen es sich handelt. »Functionally, thanks to the cables of smartphone users, a time of flight is achieved during some high-security flights, often in combination with a camera or Time of Flight.

Hat man die übertreten, übernimmt Buried-KI intuitive Steuerung von Beleuchtung und Belüftung. Zur Optimerung der Belüftung, wie bei der Heizung auch, berücksichtigt, wie viele Personen sich aktuell im Raum. The VOC- or PM-Sensors (Particle Matter) die with KI in more dynamic use. Therefore, air conditioner type air conditioners are where the labels are located. To find the best jewellery. If the Embedded-KI does not recognize Gefahren, detects Panic or Stress situations and loses a certain Alarm, this situation or Rauchmelder is detected early. Als Technologie kommen dann höher auflösende Flight Duration bzw. Heating Technologies Zoom Einsatz.

Recovery (or heating pump) with Hilfe von Embedded-KI does not allow recovery of the best energy-saving and cost-saving functions. Therefore, it provides an efficient working environment for optimal heat values ​​– Embedded-KI optimizes the optimal Zeitpunkt and internal temperature to start with.

Smart Blinds and Rollläden are included in the Lichteinstrahlung in Raumbeschattung. Hilfe is a smart early and Schäden frühzeitig Erkennbar and behebbar. Beispielsweise with Predictive Maintenance Technology, Vibrations, Strom- or Geräuschmustern.

Ein Herd, der riechen kann

Auch Geräte also has a smart income, the potential of KI-Einsatz. Kaffeemaschine is completed with Stimme and another App bar, providing quick access to the device (KWS, Keyword Detection). AITAD-Chef Gromov is mentioned throughout the Tub as a Knöpfe, who is mentioned as the best person for Buried-KI in Frage: »This bereits Herden das Beigebracht. Thus, it is possible to learn Essen or Topf-Speisen better early on.«

Also works with Haushaltshelfern, Fensterputz or Staubsaugroboter Embedded-KI Vorteile. Diese liegen neben der Leistungsüberwachung (zum Beispiel Tracking der Beutelfüllung) im Bereich der Hindernis- und Objekerkennung. The automatic Staubsauger offers an effective and problematic solution during a new Wohnung navigation when on the Internet with a new card.

»A very useful product for Smart Home Applications. Nothing has changed, at least not when you’re faced with a big problem. However, the device does not have more stable function or save energy etc. It does not have a new version for . Regarding Smart Home Appliances, Embedded KI is a very good solution to avoid any problems and Gromov, therefore Gromov.

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