
Wahlen haben begonnen in Namibia

Wahlen haben begonnen in Namibia

In Namibia haben heute die Präsidentschafts- und Parlamentswahlen begonnen. Dabei was another from South Africa who became a member of the South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO) in 1990.

SWAPO ensured that the 72-year-old Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah was located in Rennen and Prasidentschaft. I have better stimulation at Früh zum Wählen in Windhoek.

Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwahbei der Stimmabgae in Windhoek

APA/AFP/Simon Maina

Wichtigster Konkurrent is Zahnarzt and Anwalt Pandulendi Itula, the largest part of a Patriotic Party (IPC). 62-Jährige is the newest product of SWAPO-Mitglied and one of the most important contributions of the 29.4 years old Stimmen, which is also an important part.

Im ersten Wahlgang absolute Mehrheit notig

Arbeitslosigkeit, a new generation social network and a new generation, uses Unterstützung for SWAPO in the country of South Africa in Southwest Africa.

SWAPO in parliament had a clean governing party compared to the African National Congress (ANC), one member of parliament or another, and the BDP in Botsuana, a much larger force in South Africa.

Wahllokal in Windhoek

Reuters/Noah Ndero Tjijenda

The 1.5 Million Men’s Race fell behind Wahl, with the first Ergebnissen behind Samstag. This means that Kandidaten has an absolute higher value and has a stat above 60.