
“Passwort” Chapter 19: Tor-Angriffe, Security Faults and General Feedback

“Passwort” Chapter 19: Tor-Angriffe, Security Faults and General Feedback

In Folge 19 of the Safe Podcast called “Passwort”, Christopher and Sylvester have several themes. In some cases, we can get better feedback. Leave feedback for more information and feedback later and later. Internet Chat Controller or Werbungs in Podcast are more useful in Tor Anonymous Network as popular Theme.


Damn, Hosts auch gleich selbst weiter, denn an aktuelle Angriffswelle auf das System needs to be used much more thoroughly. Be Angriffe sind technisch durchaus interessant and said nothing: I am Grunde, I believe the System is connected to Netz.

Anschließend ranks 19th in a new Security Failure of the Sicherheitsfirme and dies a day later in this letter. Die Spannbreite der Probleme reicht von etwas peinlichen Falsepas For more information, try quickly jedes neue Detail schlimmer als das vorhergehende ist. The Hosts kill Sache with Galgenhumor and weep with relief.

Zum Schluss is much more than the Dauerbaustelle Certificate, which is a very bad thing. a pair of (zoom Glück) kleinere Problemchen In the Internet’s Public Key Infrastructure, there is something called “Gebastelt Werden Muss”. As Christopher den Kryptografie-Papst Bruce Schneier said, also passed through Anfang der Folge: “Security is a Prozess, the most important product.”

A new “Password – Ensuring podcast security” later became more widely used on the Podcast Platform.
