
European Commission FAQ for GPSR Version

European Commission FAQ for GPSR Version

Ab dem 13.12.2024, also weniger als drei in Wochen, gilt die neue europäische Verordnung über die allgemeine Produktsicherheit VO (EU) 2023/988 (engl. ggeneral P.product R.edited by nachfolgend GPSR). GPSR faces major problems with online services. Die Kommission is a work of art. 17 GPSR is a special event for the specially designed Wirtschaftsteure in service at KMU and Kleinstunternehmen, regarding the Erfüllung der Pflichten regarding the easy use of the GPSR. Nun hat dying commission A First Kurzes FAQ Veröffentlicht – leider nutzlos.

Hindi: Take steps to connect with GPSR Hier für Sie zusammengefasst.

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The old Fage allowed the Commission to act ironically in order to have a better Leitlinien. Commission Response: “The commission is very good, GPSR can be used anzunehmen and efficiently.” After a very long time, a very long time has passed.

Question: Does the Commission provide a set of guidelines for the new Regulation?

Reply: Yes, the Commission will introduce a set of guidelines for businesses, in particular to help small and medium-sized companies and micro-enterprises comply with their new obligations, as foreseen in Article 17 of the GPSR. The Commission intends to adopt and publish these guidelines before the GPSR comes into force.

Gebrauchte Products

There are a lot of products and GPSR services. Data, It is considered a rich product. Leider, as one of the best smartphones, is not built in a blunt way that the product can be bought or replaced with another product.

Question: How does GPSR apply to second-hand products?

Reply: GPSR applies to all products introduced to the EU Single Market, whether new, used or repaired. The only exceptions are antiques as well as items clearly marked to be repaired or refurbished. GPSR also covers second-hand products that, as new products, were initially covered by union harmonization legislation. Similar to new products, the requirements differ depending on who is selling the product: (1) If an economic operator or trader sells the second-hand product, they must ensure that the product complies with the GPSR. (2) If a consumer sells a second-hand product, he or she does not have any special obligations under the GPSR unless he or she is considered an ‘economic operator’ or a trader who offers the product for sale through an online marketplace.

Second-hand products placed on the EU market as first-hand products from 13 December 2024 will need to comply with the requirements set out in the GPSR: distributors must verify that the manufacturer or importer complies with certain specific requirements of the GPSR on traceability. and labeling a product before placing it for sale on the EU market; Make sure that the safety of the product is not compromised during storage or transportation. Products placed on the EU market before 13 December 2024 may remain on the market without any new labeling-related requirements after this date, including resale as second-hand, provided they comply with the GPSD.

Begriff der “electronic address”

One or two Fages gave Begriff an “electronic address.” Here you go, FAQ nichts Neues. On 19.12.2023, I received a GPSR Berichtigung under the EU-Amtsblatt Verröffentlicht (2023/90192) as the best German Fassung application. The GPSR is updated with the recipients’ email address. Berichtigung must be used since Begriff’s “E-Mail Address” has been replaced by Begriff’s “electronic address”. Der Begriff der “Elektronischen Adresse” wird zwar nicht legaldefiniert, allerdings werden unter diesem Begriff sowohl E-Mail-Addressen als auch Internetadresen verstanden (Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union, Für alle Sprachfassungen einheitliche Richtlinien, Teil III 9.2). Damn, it’s nice to find an internet address. Herstellers has no internet address, Herstellers Art. 9 Abs. 6 GPSR may also have access to an electronic address through which you can contact the data subject. A Grinden der Rechtssicherheit includes an E-Mail Address or an E-Mail Address containing an E-Mail Address, as well as zB for a single contact information and a Contact form.

Question: What is meant by ‘electronic address’?

Reply: ‘Electronic address’ refers to direct forms of communication – for example, an email or contact form on a website. It does not contain static websites or phone numbers. The term is designed to be adaptable to future technologies and uses neutral expressions to cover a variety of forms of direct communication.


Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Kommission moglichst zeitnah ihre finalen Leitlinien zur use GPSR. This is nothing new as there is now a Commission Auslegung where the best Anhaltspunkt can be used.

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