
Microsoft patch, reports Kritische Lücken Außer der Reihe

Microsoft patch, reports Kritische Lücken Außer der Reihe

Microsoft took off its hat at the Night of the Sicherheitsmitteilungen Veröffentlicht. You can make critical updates for Microsoft’s Updates. A Nutzerinnen and Nutzer selbst installer enables you to make the most of Microsoft together with Cloud-Diensten.


Eine Kritische Sicherheitslücke Used Microsoft’s Copilot Studio. Sie erlaubte es Angreifern, ihrechte auszuweiten (CVE-2024-49038, CVSS) 9.3“Risk”critical“). This is a Microsoft Provided Filtering Between Websites for Cross-Site Scripting. An authorized networker from Netz for another user can be used to learn more. Fix the problem.

Eine Schwachstelle -Angebot from “” uses missbraucht incorrectly Microsoft at Schwachstelleneintrag. Agreements with Netz enable authentication without any remediation (CVE-2024-49035, CVSS) 8.7, idiot). Konkret is experiencing an issue with the Online Version of Microsoft Power Apps. Microsoft from CVSS-Einstufung ordnet was recognized as something of critical importance. However, nothing was done because Microsoft did not cause problems with the servers.

Inside Microsoft Azure Policy Monitoring Connections with Netz Ohne Autorisierung, without producing anything, a Kritischen Funktion for Authentication (CVE-2024-49052, CVSS) 8.2, idiot). This shows that Microsoft is facing a critical risk. Nothing has been done to protect the servers provided by Microsoft.

Other Sicherheitslücke prefer Business-Software Dynamics 365 Sales from Microsoft. A Spoofing-Lücke could be something wrong. Dying FAQ says Sicherheitsmeldung from Microsoft Authenticated Links can then be used to aggregate Web sites. Lucky you have a Web host, Create a Machine with Script in Browser Opfer – then use New Cross-Website Filtering Filters for Cross-Site Scripting. (CVE-2024-49053, CVSS 7.6, idiot). Applications Dynamics 365 Sales for iOS And Dynamics 365 Sales for Android No more information in version 3.24104.15; Reduce Drops in Jewelry Stores and Aktualisierungen Such a Thing in the Smartphone Shopping System.

Patchday is expected to be played regularly on November 13th and Nacht on December 11th. The updates that lead to Microsoft’s attacks also contain a lot of content, which causes new plans and improvements to be released on a regular basis.