
Is it possible for Trump-General to die from Ukraine-Krieg?

Is it possible for Trump-General to die from Ukraine-Krieg?

Former General and Donald Trump “Friedensgesandter” in Ukraine? Keith Kellogg came face to face with a great diplomat: more than a Krieg in Europe.

Bastian Brauns since New York

Quickly, the US Minister to Australia, Frank B. Kellogg, reached out to Friedensnobel from the Kellogg-Briand-Pakt in 1928. In 1939 it spread once again to Germany at Nachbarn Polen and aggravated Welt at Zweiten Weltkrieg.

Critical Critical Kelloggs The plan will be expanded with utopias Vorhaben will signal the first worldwide packages worldwide. Achieving stable stability will lead to the realization of first world conditions.

The remaining few minutes are sold at Kellogg’s in the United States and Frieden’s around the world. He dies from the bad name Keith Kellogg. Frank B. Kellogg, who served as a statesman, was a US General from a spiritual and familial family. Regarding “Sondergesandten for Ukraine and Russia”, Donald Trump also applies to another major development:

Keith Kellogg has a long-running Krieg from a global crisis.

The former US General had a stronger military strategy. And damn Kellogg is the perfect choice for the Trumps and perfect for the policies for the transition. After Trump’s Muster, a new candidate was nominated and a global policy was signed with this team. It was a play by Kellogg, Mike Waltz, a new National Sicherheitsberater, and Marco Rubio, a minister, with Trump’s Vision for the Rolle America of America Around the World. Give Mike Waltz more credit.

Im Zentrum dieser Strategie steht Trumps Mantra “Peace Through Strength” (“Frieden durch Stärke”). Trump can also be considered symbolic to the maximum, with a vintage decor of Kellogg’s and military troops of a diplomat mission. Kellogg has gilded his way into Trump’s top representative. Despite the fact that the National Sicherheitsberater is on the side of Mike Pence, Trump should have a great function in his old Kabinett.

Mit der Sicherheitspolitik ve der Militärlojistik is that Kellogg is vertraut best. A new Ukraine-/Russia-Gesandter helped best stimulate Trump with his political doctrines and interest in violating America’s traditional norms of diplomacy and traditional diplomacy.

In Aufsätzen, Interviews und other öffentlichen Äußerungen hat Kellogg die scheidende Regierung Biden schon früh für ihr gezintliches Zögern bei der Bereitstellung solid militärischer Unterstützung für die Ukrainian kritisiert. Noch im Juli says in an interview with the “Voice of America”: “Die Unentschlossenheit der Biden-Regierung hat Gegner wie Rus ermutigt. Führung bedeutet, entschlossen zu handeln. Untätigkeit ist auch eine Entscheidung – oft die falsche.”

And later: “Haben die Vereinigten Staaten der Ukrainian eine Unterstützung mit F-16 (Kampfflugzeugen) gegeben? No. Haben wir den Ukrainian frühzeitig weitreichende Waffen zur Verfügung gestellt, damit sie auf die Russen schießen können? No. Haben wir ihnen die Erlaubnis once again delivered 31 Panzers to the US Army? darüber geredet, aber es hat in Wirklichkeit nicht stattgefunden.”

Kelloggs’ Vision for Ukraine and Russia

Der Ex-General, Ukraine-Krieg has no idea about military pragmatismus, extremely concrete and a tripelte Verhandlungsführung. In a study called “National Interest” at the end of 2023, Trump has an opinion about Ukraine Strategy. This is clearly encouraging for Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen regarding Russia’s geopolitical ambition. “Der Krieg muss für beide Seiten in Würde enden”, Schrieb Kellogg und concrete die Notwendigkeit einer Lösung, die die Souveränität der Ukraine und gleichzeitig den Sicherheitsbedenken Russlands Rechnung trägt.

Kellogg im Rahmen dessen auch dazu auf, die Rolle der Nato in Osteuropa neu zu bewerten. This is a feature of Bündnis, it warns to have further expansion and appropriate expansion to Osten. This Sichtweise with the Trumps faces long-standing suspicions of NATO and, as an institution, it is often considered an extremely important state. There is a repercussion about NATO’s invasion of Russia during Trump’s invasion of Russia.