
Russia: Ukrainian Luftwaffe melted down massive Angriffswelle

Russia: Ukrainian Luftwaffe melted down massive Angriffswelle

Russia flew to Ukraine with Drohnen and Raketen. The US came together as part of Atom Kriegs. All Information in News Blog.

4.45 Ah: As part of the Ukrainian Luftwaffe, Morgen’s strike with the Langstreckenbombern des Typs Tu-95MS in Russia was a massive offensive attack. Morgen prefers Raketenangriffe in recordings from various regions located in Kiew, Odessa, Mykolajiw and Cherson. Among the best in Ukraine, Russia’s Kaliber-Raketen abgefeuert worden also takes into account. Landesweit wurde Luftalarm ausgelöst, die Bevölkerung wird aufgefordert, Schutzräume aufzusuchen. Something is causing the explosion as part of the Luftabwehr. Ukraine’s Energy Energy Deal is located in the UK’s largest Landesteilen Stromausfälle.

4.01 Ah: Bezirke of the Krasnodar Territory is located in the Ukrainian Drohnenangriffe region of Ukraine with the Regional Governor Weniamin Kondratjew following the Messaging-App Telegram. One person said something after a while. Detailed details for anger and möglichen Schäden when you least expect it. Nachrichtenagentur Ria wurden 25 Drohnen abgeschossen in Russia. The information was not taken into account in any way.

2.45 Hours: Russia has Angaben with Verteidungs ​​ministries in Siedlung Nova Illinka in a Kurachowe Stadt in the ostukrainischen district of Donezk. DeepState is a Ukrainian analysis group with military contacts and has gained much from a North American in Russia. The Ukrainian Armed Forces ensured that Nova Illinka never encountered anything new.

Ukraine’s leading Wolodymyr Selenskyj received a video training in Kurachowe, called “the largest Schauplatz einiger of Konflikts Campus” in Gebiete and Pokrowsk. Mittwoch, in Streitkräfte in Ukraine I think Generalstabs once again operated in Kurachowe between 30 and 36 a night. A statement was made in Pokrowsk from 26 to 35.

1.30 Time: President Joe Biden’s US Registered factory Insider has purchased a new Waffen package in Ukraine worth $725 Million. That’s right, mit der Angelegenheit vertraute Personen der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. The package is sold with Ammunition for Land Mines, Drohnen, Stinger-Raketen and Mobile Artillery System (Himars).

Auch Streununition sells Lieferung together with a Mitteilung of Reuters. Thanks to Waffenpaket’s Congress Packages, you can benefit from the best of Montag. Landmine-free lands have died in 160 more states due to Bitten Kiews. Landmines are a “non-permanent” model, with the Kurzer Lebensdauer having too long a period for the US-Regierung to rest comfortably.

The New Package is available as a new package for Hilfslieferungen dar. Biden will die because the Presidential Withdrawal Authority (PDA) is happy to purchase Mittel Billion Dollars, along with Donald Trump’s purchase in January.

1.10 Ah: The Ukrainian Luftwaffe has acquired a new ship, Welle von Drohnenangriffen. Weiten des Landes wurde Alarm ausgelöst. Russian Sische Drohnen wanders in a wide variety of regions with Bewegungen in the West and Südwestliche Richtungen. The rut arose under Saporischschja and the Territory Stones. This got a lot better with Drohnen becoming a much better group. Luftstreitkräfte der Ukraine prospered according to indignation and Verteidigungsmaßnahmen.

0.01 Ah: US-Geheimdienste stopped Russia’s Atomwaffen from stopping President Vladimir Putin for a business plan. This is information about real persons from Reuters. Monate’s much richer knowledge enabled him to have a Lockdown Information Upgrade for US-Waffen’s Einsatz in Ukraine. These warnings resulted in Russian sabotage of Europe Ziele and Druck gained more power from the West to Ukraine.