
Nachruf: “Schwarzwaldklinik”-Componist Hans Hammerschmid that’s all

Nachruf: “Schwarzwaldklinik”-Componist Hans Hammerschmid that’s all

The name of the million-famous brand for the ZDF Series “Schwarzwaldklinik”: none other than Komponist Hans Hammerschmid. This is my Samstagmorgen, owner of the fried house Lebensgefährtin der 94 at the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in München. “Am Sonntag davor saß er noch am Klavier.” There is also a song in the “Casablanca” movie class: “As Time Goes By”. Dying is very good and has a good lifespan. This stems from the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” of the Music Group in the Münchner Vorort Gräfelfing.

Hammerschmid studied in Wien on 12 March 1930 and worked in the Heimatstadt Klavier, Dirigieren and Composition. There is a battle between Jazz pianist, Music for Movies and TV Series and leading Music and Music artists with Stan Getz, Udo Jürgens and Donna Summer. Two episodes, “Traumschiff” and “Derrick”, are also Melodien.

Compositions of Hildegard Knef

Gerade für die Chanson-Sängerin Hildegard Knef (1925-2002) war Hammerschmid a wichtiger Komponist. He lied saying “Von nun an ging’s bergab” ging zum Beispiel aus dieser Zusammenarbeit hervor. He had a Pop-Klassiker hit of the same kind with 1968’s “Rosen Regnen”. The song reached much greater popularity following Punkband Extrabreit.

He was also called Meisterschätztes, Hammerschmid, with his gilded Platte “Knef” in 1970, and called Sängerin in his Beat, Jazz and Folk experiments. The album charted at #23 in the German LP Charts in 2022, making it a flop for the first time in 50 years.

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