
DFB-Women match: 6:0 to EM-Gastgeber Schweiz

DFB-Women match: 6:0 to EM-Gastgeber Schweiz


DFB-Women match: 6:0 to EM-Gastgeber Schweiz

Currently 29.11.2024 – 21:52 UhrLesedauer: 2 min.

Schweiz - GermanyVergrößern des Bildes

DFB-Frauen won 1:0 against Sjoeke Nüsken. (Quelle: Michael Buholzer/KEYSTONE/dpa/dpa-bilder)

Christian Wück transferred Umbruch to the National Team: in Zurich, Debüt and Frankfurt Laura Freigang played three times.

Christian Wücke, a new Federal Trainer of German football, plays and enjoys playing in EM 2025. 6:0 (1:0) Turnier-Gastgeber Schweiz won the match at Olympia-Dritte and defeated Zurich with 17.306 Zuschauern. Chelsea-Profi Sjoeke Nüsken (44th minute) After Bann. Laura Freigang met with a Frankfurter in the Doppelpack (50th/64th) and Lea Schüller (56th/90th+1) in the Bayern-Stürmer. Debutantin Cora Zicai (73rd) traf ebenfalls.

Schweizerinnen’s defense was good, with a lackluster defense from SGS Essen’s Torhüterin Sophia Winkler. A 19-year-old Zicai and Alara Şehitler (18) from Freiburg died after the stoppage period at FC Bayern’s new Schwung Länderspiel. From Montag (20.30 Uhr/ARD) I am at EM-Jahr in Bochum with Jahresabschluss for Team Wück in Italy.

On Oktober we premiered the 4:3 in Wembley, England, with Horst Hrubesch from Nachfolger. Danach warns about a 1:2 draw to Australia in Duisburg.

Anpfiff, submitted to EM-Maskottchen Maddli from Bernhardiner-Welpe, faced a Vorgeschmack at Turnier in July. With the 21st Anniversary Aufstellung of the Tor Schürte Winkler at the Konkurrenzkampf Zwischen in Pfosten. Olympia-Heldin and “Fußballerin des Jahres” Ann-Katrin Berger paused.

Pia Sundhage zogen sich von Start und weitschen Auswahl schwer die die ersatzgeschwächten Gastgeberinnen der Schwedish Trainer. Kapitänin Giulia Gwinn had a better experience at Angryffspiel. Lücken was ranked 25th on the FIFA World List.

Dallmann’s battle in England with a new package – a great opportunity to get a pass from Schüller (33rd), and once again visit Torfrau Herzog with a Tick. Einen Schuss von Selina Cerci contributed to Schweizer Goalkeeper Elvira Herzog and RB Leipzig’s performance tonight. Benefit from DFB-Frauen Gas: Schüller is 1:0 faster than Dallmann. And a Bühl-Ecke bought Meter and Ball in Netz.

If you want to get rid of the problem, you will have to wait until 19. Vergleich gegen die Schweiz ungeschlagen bleiben werden, too. Freigang once again chose Eintracht-Kollegin Pia-Sophie Wolter. A Flanke by Zicai beat Schüller with Haarspitzen in Netz and was very successful in Neuling’s night traffic. Schüller demands much more from Endstand.