
LIVE! Mit Debütantin Winkler im Tor: DFB-Frauen test in Schweiz

LIVE! Mit Debütantin Winkler im Tor: DFB-Frauen test in Schweiz

DFB-Frauen has chosen the next Länderspiel with 6:0-Sieg bei EM-Gastgeber Schweiz gefeiert once again from DFB-Frauen. Cora Zicai came once again the day before, and the Martyrs of Alara also returned the day after.

Traumeinstand with Tor and Vorlage in DFB-Dress: Cora Zicai in Team Kolleginnen.

Traumeinstand with Tor and Vorlage in DFB-Dress: Cora Zicai in Team Kolleginnen.
IMAGO/Beautiful Sports

During the battles of England (4:3) and Australia (1:2) in October, Bundestrainer Christian Wück also took Umbruch better than DFB-Frauen. Thus, while Däbritz, Magull and Lattwein and Rutinier previously failed to reach Destiny, the abilities of Wimmer, Martyrs and Zicai returned. By playing Brand and Lohmann’s games, we expected Stammkeeper to have a Pause period in the US Season.

I’m going to Australia in Australia: Winkler played in Johannes and Tor, Hendrich joined Verletzung, where Rauch and Viererkette, Senß and Dallmann met with Grawe and Endemann. I, Sturm, took back Schüller from Popp in October 145 and secured the absolute permission of the Länderspiel (67 Tore).

Drei Schweizer Koner leichtfertig vergeben

Schweiz started the DFB-Elf together with Ballbesitz in the Bundesliga-Legende Pia Sundhage in the Trainerinnen-Legende Pia Sundhage in Herzog (RB Leipzig), Stierli (SC Freiburg) and Riesen (Eintracht Frankfurt). zweimal in Anfangsviertelstunde Gefährliche Konter. Schweiz performs very well together with Hendrich (7th) and Minge (9th).

Germany were dominant on the ball in attack and showed good performances from Spielwitz and Präzision. Dallmann’s first Schuss gave a fresh start and Schüller followed Ecke in Herzog’s army (13th). Danach, Schweiz wieder einen Konter gegen die hochstehende Abwehrkette leichtfertig aus, Lehmann passte genau zu zusken (21.).

Dosenöffner von Nüsken – Dreifachwechsel brings new Schwung

Brachten neuen Schwung in German Spiel: Pia Wolter (re.) and Laura Freigang (li.).

Brachten neuen Schwung in German Spiel: Pia Wolter (re.) and Laura Freigang (li.).
IMAGO/Jan Huebner

First Deutschen das Tempo etwas an: Winkel Herzog’s spitzem, then Fäuste hochreißen konnte (37th), danach verpassten Schüller und Gwinn auf starke Vorarbeit von Bühl (38th), ehe Herzog einen Schuss von Schüller mit den Fingerspitzen über die Latte lenkte (43.). We then bought Linie’s and brachte’s Mistress, using Pausenführung (44th) for DFB-Elf in the next stage.

Wolter, Freigang and Debütantin Zicai worked together in the two new Schwungs in the German Mannschaft, with Tempo reaching a higher level. And with a new victory: a Doppelpass with Freigang, one minute left to Außennetz (49th), Frankfurter with a Chipball in one minute from Wolter, giving the score 2:0. Alleine vor Herzog allowed Schüller to take the center spot with Schuss (53rd) with a score of 3:0.

Zicai participated in Traumdebüt with Schweizer Rekordkulisse

The German war priestess ended up in Spiellaune, die Schweiz kam gar nicht mehr vor. Zicai Ball returned in the Box, played with a score of 3:0 in Schüller Netz and finally finished last in the National Team (56th). A minute later, Wolter left the Doppelpack with the Frankfurt team in Freigang with a score of 4:0 (64th).

Das Spiel had the status of a Schweizer Rekordkulisse, a war priestess with 17,306 Zuschauern in Zurich. Doch learns once again one day after the DFB-Frauen. Thus, for the first 18 years, the Martyrs left the DFB-Dress. And a comeback with a score of 5:0 with Treffer: A new starting combination of Wolter and Freigang should not fall behind Fuß later in the night (73rd).

Jahresausklang in Bochum gegen Italy

Alara Şehitler had more success in Schweiz in the DFB.

Alara Şehitler was successful in DFB Team Schweiz.
IMAGO/Beautiful Sports

In one of the best games, Schlusspointe came to the same point as the DFB Team: Pressing the Ball in the Schweizer Strafraum and won a very good Freigang with Endemann. Auf deren Flanke schnürte schließlich und noch Schüller den Doppelpack (90.+1).

Das 6:0 War Sogleich der Endstand, der nach einer deutlichen Leistungsteigerung in Halfte zwei auch in der Höhe gegen zunehmend überforderte Schweizerinnen in Ordnung ging.

Montag (20.30 Uhr, LIVE! bei kicker) is at the Länderspiel des Jahres of the DFB-Frauen at the Wücks Mannschaft Italien in Bochum. From February I started a new Nations League Run in Germany with Austria, Schottland and Niederlanden. Schweiz meets Dienstag (20.45 hrs) during the Highlight Match at Wembley Stadion in London, England.