
Bedeutung von “Every Breath You Take” and Control of the Song – Rolling Stone

Bedeutung von “Every Breath You Take” and Control of the Song – Rolling Stone

Bedeutung von “Every Breath You Take” and Control of the Song

Der Police Song „Every Breath You Take”veröffentlicht 1983 auf ihrem Album Simultaneitythis is the greatest Hits der Musikgeschichte. Trotz is a song that Popular Songs often tack on and miss. It’s the same now, it’s the same before.

Die Bedeutung von “Every Breath You Take”

Oberflächlich has a romantic Liebeserklärung with “Every Breath You Take”. Text message:

“I’ll be watching you with every breath you take, every move you make”

You can do something one day somewhere.

Doch bei genauerem Hinsehen zeigt sich eine dudere Seite. Der Text elt von Besessenheit and Check. In Interviews, this is one of the Stalkers’ favorite songs, from the perspective of Schritt’s Former Partners. Es geht um um Liebe, sondern umberwachung und Manipulation.

Die Kontroverse

With “Every Breath You Take” a disc is created between the romantic Melody and the obsessive Lyrics. Viele Zuhörer, in which Song appears in Liebeslied, has this very young mind.

Critical Punk:

  1. Missverständnisse in the interpretation: The songs are often very pleasant or romantic, which is a very nice thematic theme.
  2. Verharmlosung von Control: Criticism of the songs, obsessive romantic songs, due to the fact that Botschaft does not contain any criminal elements.
  3. Kulturelle Wirkung: The song is one of the best genres of music, with missing texts in Music, as well as having a good musical musical experience.

Thrusting Perspective

Sting sagte in an interview BBC Radio:
“Ich dachte, ich hätte ein unheimliches, dusteres Stück geschrieben.” Aber dann sagte jemand: ‘Oh, how romantic this is!’ And I am war-shocked.“

At any stage of the song there is something that is included in the most preferred personal Schwierigkeiten. Die Lyrics intertwines more broadly.

Ben ROLLING-STONE-Interview Sting’s best song, best done in the best way by Lied:

“Ich versuche mich in meinen Songs form an Ambiguität.” I sing songs in a larger space and before I sing more. Functionally a good thing, a good thing, Geborgenheit vermitteln, Menschen heilen. Here you go. Dieser Effect has no effect. Natürlich meinte ich es im Spaß, “If You Love Someone, Set Them Free”, “I’ll Be Watching You!” and with Theme Controls like “Every Breath You Take”. Andererseits: Wenn man jemanden liebt – macht man dann? “Freilassen”? Am I Ernst? Was it? This is a schwieriges Konzept: Wen man liebt, den man doch nah bei sich haben.

Zerstörer’s “Demolition Man” is a very funny and abnormal man. Diese Ambivalenz appears in the movie “Every Breath You Take”. The man is Sänger next to Schauspieler. Was bedeutet, dass man nicht immer die Persönlichkeit darstellt, die man ist, sondern Wesenszüge verkörpert, die erforscht werden müssen.“


“Every Breath You Take” is a Paradebeispiel of the Complexity of Music Interpretations. This is so nice, a song turned out to be such a good thing and one of the worst things about Botschaft. The popularity of the songs has not changed at all yet, which is why it is one of the most discussed places in popular music.