
Tatjana Maria and Jule Niemeier at Runde eins ·

Tatjana Maria and Jule Niemeier at Runde eins ·

Tatjana Maria This marks the WTA-Tour-250-Turnier’s first run in Merida, Mexico. German Nummer was outpaced by Serbin Nina Stojanovic’s Hartplatz Turnier with 4:6, 4:6. Jule Niemeier The new Runde also went better than Sprung’s last final.

von Johanna Brauer

zuletzt bear beitet: 29.10.2024, 23:03 Uhr

Tatjana Maria died at Tennis-Weltrangliste Platz 98, which led to a good match in the championship. There should be a first-runden-niederlage in Seoul and Guadalajara. The ITF Turnier was allowed to be held in Canada and Mexico and the final was held in Halb.

With a move from Maria, we included the WTA-250s in the Italian traffic with Lucrezia Stefanini, after allowing the German to go to Dortmund with Turnier. In Germany the numbers are presented consistently, with a Breakchance a direct win of 6:3 is obtained in Italy. Satz was unable to get Stefanini into the game and with 6:2 Satz’s shot and brilliance increased.

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Maria Tatjana

Niemeier Jule

von Johanna Brauer

29.10.2024, 22:59 Ah

zuletzt bear beitet: 29.10.2024, 23:03 Uhr

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Maria Tatjana

Niemeier Jule