
Horror Movie Soundtrack – Wie Music uns das Fürchten lehrt – Radio SRF 3

Horror Movie Soundtrack – Wie Music uns das Fürchten lehrt – Radio SRF 3

This horror movie meets music in the best way possible. We are in Tonspur Grauen with Arten.

Horror movies were played in the early days. Die mutierte Riesenechse “Godzilla” (1954) is the greatest trauma of the Atomic Bomb Creation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Die «Saw»-Reihe (ab 2004) rückt Themen wie Überwachung, Verlust von moralischen Werten und Konsumismus ins Zentrum. That’s why Horror Movie dealt with music as well as the reality of this time.

Nosferatu (1922)

Stummfilme waren nicht stumm, sondern wurden von Orchestermusik untermalt. Bei «Nosferatu» kündigen zwölf Glockenschläge und langgezogene Streicherklänge das Übel an. Fun Fact: Schauspieler was something Nosferatu stole and was a rip-off by Max Schreck.

King Kong (1933)

Das Budget is a battle app about “King Kong”. Darum said that the Studio Boss will not receive any income for Music Composition. Joint Recorder has once again brought a new Soundtrack to Streifen’s Kassenschlager zu machen. Darum is nothing but a new Tasche. So “King Kong” is an old Movie and one that goes with the Score and Blaupause for all the Movie Soundtracks.

Psycho (1960)

Geigenklänge aus der Duschszene in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” is part of Pop Culture Culture. Dabei added music to a Notlösung. Weil das Geld fehlte für ein grosses Orchester, stand nur ein kleines Streicherensemble zur Verfügung. An die Stelle von musicalischem Pomp rückte akzentuierte Dissonanz.

Der Exorzist (1973)

“Psycho” was musikalisch anstiess, “Der Exorzist” auf die Spitze. For Spannung and permanent Angst I bought «Polimorphia» from 48 Streichinstrumente. The music was performed alongside Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” (1980).

Der weisse Hai (1975)

A tone rich in Musical Motivation, with the Monster once again understanding and conversely giving a poor performance.

Das Omen (1976)

This is a very impressive thing in horror movies, where there is also a Priester and a Kragen.

Halloween (1978)

Testing area “Slasher” – a game run on the Michael Myers series. At first, John Carpenter made a repetitive, monotonous, frustrating, fear-fighting soundtrack.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Kinder gelten as Inbegriff von Unschuld und Harmlosigkeit. Darum is very disturbing from Bösewichten Wenn sie. Oder wenn Klänge, die mit Kindern in Verbindung gebracht werden, verfremdet werden. Prinzip starred Wes Craven alongside Freddy Krueger and Nutze.

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Nothing is real. On the other hand, it was a real fact. “The Blair Witch Project” also appears in Geräusche in Spannung with Dokumentarfilm: Knacken im Wald, Flüstern in der Dunkelheit, Verzweiflung der Figuren. Musik hätte die Realitäts-Illusion durchbrochen, darum gab’s keine.

Scream (1996)

“Scream” is a horror movie by Wes Craven, and it’s a horror movie with music. As part of Leitmotiv, Der Killer encountered the discordant style of a Verfolgung and the leisure of Wenn, the goodness of a Bedrohung. But still. Wes Craven is the last of the Publikum in Leere Laufen.