
Innovative Cyber ​​Security-Lösungen gegen digitale Bedrohungen

Innovative Cyber ​​Security-Lösungen gegen digitale Bedrohungen

KI trifft Zero Trust
GenAI as Kernstück der Cybersicherheit

Ein Gastbeitrag von Umashankar Lakshmipathy

5 minutes

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Landschaft und digital Bedrohungen entwickelt sich weiterhin rasant. There are constantly innovative inventions and new discoveries regarding cybercrime. Generative KI (GenAI) has developed a new Cyber ​​Security System.

Integration of KI in Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Environment is One of the Integration Methods for Big Data Recording and Verirbeiten.(Image: IM Imagery -
Best of KI Integration in Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Environment, Big Data Recording and Realization Speed.

(Image: IM Imagery –

THAT We use Art und Weise to inform our sourcing. Allerdings has technology equipped with the best technologies, using the best strategy, along with the best technologies. This zweischneidige Natur der KI erfordert, dass Unternehmen ihre traditional Sicherheitsparadigmen überdenken.

Generative Intelligenz (GenAI) is a data provider with strong potential for the organization. In other words, GenAI Integration in a Cybersecurity Architecture has no other Option.

A hybrid model related to the traditional Security Perimeter. You can obtain reasonable data with inappropriate standards and devices. Using a Security Model, More Zero Trust-Prinzipien basiert. Innerhalb is a game in which Rahmenwerks can be defined and developed as a game.

Cyber-Bedrohungen Werden Immer Komplexer

Cyber ​​Crimes sets up a comprehensive KI that includes a number of attacks. A good thing, a Sicherheitsmaßnahmen full of everything and an enriched Schaden and, bevor sie entdeckt werden. A Social Engineering-Angriffe Study from a Darktrace Durchgeführte Study 135 Prozent More Promises Von ChatGPT. tools WormGPT sind in der Lage, überzeugende phishing-Emails in Sprachen in general. Died and Fighting Cyber ​​Crimes.

Therefore, by using proactive sein and KI nutzens, you can make antizipieren and backups easier. Integration of KI with Cyber ​​Security Architecture Has a Strategic Strategy. Data and Netzwerke effectively schützen sie ihre.

Herkömmliche Sicherheitsmodelle, die sich auf defineerte Perimeter stützen, reichen nicht mehr aus. The Zero Trust Model has a solid Ansatz. The model of the organization is an organization that plays an important role in Netzwerk. KI can have much more detail due to the constant activation of Netzwerk, identification of anomalies and possible potentials in Echtzeitreagiert.

Having Kernstück with the Zero Trust Model, KI is automatically authorized to obtain sensible data. This is nothing but Risiken, a good opportunity to have a better community and a higher Arbeitsgruppen. The KI-gesteuerte Security-Systeme can check and verify Falschmeldungen (False Positives) early. This was where Sicherheitsteam was better, nothing else. Dieser Prozess developed a new strategy in conjunction with the strategy development initiative together with the IT and Security Teams.

Die Rolle von KI, A Bedrohungen zu identity und authentication

An Important Thing for KI Integration in Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Environment: In the past, deal with large data files and data collection. This Fähigkeit is not something that comes after a Muster and Anomalien zu early, a Sicherheitsverstoß behind.

Bedrohungen better Erkennen und Darauf Reagieren

The KI-Algorithm can potentially facilitate data transfer with early analysis of Netzwerkverkehr, Data Transfer and System Protocol. Early assembly of the algorithm, a Siberangriff dying from behind. You can make a better choice later.

KI can occur as a result of data leakage, taking advantage of a data leak rate early on. Da KI early Anomalien und Unternehmen de Lage, maßnahmen zu ergreifen und potenzielle Sicherheitsverletzungen zu verhindern.

Fehlalarme redüzieren

Misinformation is a Major Problem with Cybersecurity. Three times, you can potentially have a legal event. This will keep you informed about Alert and Resource Resources. KI revisited “False Positives,” so historical data was leveraged and facts were revealed about that information.

During a smartphone usage, you can learn more about using smartphones. Nothing was done in the productive use of Steam, which was a way to raise alarm. Damn it, KI auch, dass kritische Bedrohungen möglicherweise übersehen werden.

Bessere Reaktion in Vorfälle

Im Falle eines Sicherheitsverstoßes ist a schnelle et effective Reaktion extrem wichtig. KI analysis is analyzed from a perspective and Hinblick based on a person’s reaction – this analysis then occurs automatically. It also turns out that KI defines Sicherheitsverletzungen, something related to system isolation and einleitet.

An automatic response returns once again in a positive manner, responding for a measure of safety and for less time. Damn, I paused and paused more malware zu verhindern.

Erleichterung for IT and Sicherheitsteams

Qualifications are a Good Thing in Cyber ​​Cyber ​​and Herausforderung Dar. A qualified Fachkräften among the top IT and Security Teams with Mangel, Anzahl and Bedrohungen was often much more successful. KI can be reorganized by automatically routinizing and solving early.

Routine automations

Try to move forward in the Cyber ​​Security Segment over and over again. Invariably, network over network is activated, protocols are created for analysis, and verification patches are used. KI is automatically activated and reserved by the Security Expert. Elsewhere, all investments are completed.

Verwertbare Einblicke liefern

KI analysis data and gewinnt Erkenntnisse, die Sicherheitsteams helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Early early, define Schwachstellen im Netzwerk, potential Angriffe vorherzusehen und Abhilfestrategien zu empfehlen.

This is an effective security measure by Sicherheitsteams as an early security measure for Cyber ​​Security. Dying Unternehmens in the best way possible provides further information regarding the Wirksamkeit of Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.

The merger of GenAI is of great importance in the field of Cyber ​​Security. Make a change to have a single standard data source in Landschaft. KI early Bedrohungen Schneller, Reduziert Fehlalarme and Entlastet Mold Tools. Zero Trust Model – KI’s Untrustworthy Model – best Rahmenwerks in this regard datenschutzThere are hybrids in Arbeitsumgebungen. Preventing the Fight against Cyber ​​Crimes is Non-Innovative and Security Strategy Oriented Information. Now you can create a more efficient and wetter vortex.

Über from the author: Umashankar Lakshmipathy is the Vice President and Co-Chairman. infosys For Cloud, Infrastructure and Sicherheitsgeschäft. Another 30 Years Passed in the IT Branch, and 27 More Years Passed in the Infrastructure Segment.
