
Satelliten-Internet: EU-Commission acquires Auftrag for IRIS2 and Spacerise

Satelliten-Internet: EU-Commission acquires Auftrag for IRIS2 and Spacerise

Hammer currently: Due to the EU-Commission benefits from Bau, Einsatz and more Breitband-Satellite Constellation for a Verzögerung from the Spacerise Consortium for the Internet. Allianz manages and makes the best arrangements for Satellite-Netzbetreibern SES, Eutelsat and Hispasat throughout Europe. The Konsortium is equipped with Erfüllung of Vertrags in the Kernteam European Subunternehmer with a Segment of Satellite and Communication Systems. Besides Thales Alenia Space, Bremer Raumfahrtfirma OHB, Airbus, Telespazio, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Hisdesat and Thales Six are also present.


Airbus was on the first day of Spacerise, and it was something Rolle was involved in. The Konsortium made the best use of the best Angebot gemachts for “Satellite Link, Interkonnektivität und Sicherheit durch Satellite” (IRIS2) with a Vorschlag on 3 September. Commission from Vergabe to Vergabe. This is not another proposition, but more crime. Bei der Auftragsvergabe muss jetzt nur noch die Konzessionsvereinbarung unterschrieben werden, passed at the end of December. Darin werde genauer auf “die rechtlichen und finance” Verpflichtungen beider Parteien””.

12-Jährige Vertrag made the most of the EU Commission with a special Partnership in Erwerb and the Starlink Alternative: Many investments have been made, including private investments for project financing. Das System solle über 290 Satelliten auf verschiedenen Umlaufbahnen und das damit verbundene Bodensegment umfassen, “um bis 2030 staatliche Dienste bereitzustellen und gleichzeitig kommerzielle Services” zu ermöglichen. The Funding Consortium is not part of the Commission in any way, but it would be a much better thing to raise more revenue and provide Funding.

Kommission Provided Financing Services for the 6 Billion Euro satellite project. €2.4 Billion was realized in 2023, together with the EU-Weltraum program, Horizont Europa and more Fördertöpfen stammen. The remaining 3.6 Billion Euros is the private sector cost. Betriebskosten waren dabei noch nicht enthalten. I spoke with Frühjahr Berichte and won with IRIS2-Gesamtkosten for a fee of 12 Billion Euros. The Bundesregierung died with Wirtschafts minister Robert Habeck (Grüne) making “exorbitant” criticisms and a Neustart der Initiative not giving very good reviews.

Beobachter used IRIS2 in the finale of Spacerise-Angebot With an increase of 10 Billion Euros with Buche Schlagen Cable. Die Kommission will make a new bet in 2028. The EU Parliament and the Council of Ministers need to agree to a new national programme. The Advanced Consortium Proposal offers a much more efficient and simpler solution and much more innovation and innovation during a much better event. Elon Musk’s Starlink has been involved in a new project in China. Much larger configurations were achieved with Amazon Kuiper and OneWeb (Eutelsat).
