
Do you want to get pregnant once again?

Do you want to get pregnant once again?

2008 is happening in the USA right now: At 23.19 hours (5.19 hours MEZ), Republican John McCain wins over Barack Obama’s Democratic Party. Obama’s Wiederwahl 2012 was the first evening that Donald Trump’s 2016 high was 2.29 hours. Jahren joined Tage at a party at Joe Biden’s festival in the swing state of Pennsylvania.

Tagelange Auszählung from Short Wahlstimmen

I have a brief warning in Pennsylvania, Urnengang and Dienstag. In another state where Kamala Harris and Former President Trump, who lives in the USA, met, electrical energy has been stimulated since the 19th century, along with North Carolina (16) and Georgia (16). , Michigan (15), Arizona (11), Wisconsin (10) and Nevada (6). Weil das Rennen dort ebenfalls sehr knapp ist ve zum Teil noch tagelang Even if it is visited for a short time, Chancen auf eine Entscheidung in der Wahlnacht nicht so gut.

0.00 Uhr MEZ – Es geht los: Staaten schließen von first Wahlokale in Kentucky (8) und Indiana (11). Forecasts will get better overnight, in one area each night.

Erste Ergebnisse Recovered from Trump’s Führung

1.00 Uhr – Wahlschluss is expected to restart for the first time, with Trump and Harris meeting several times. Indiana (11 Wahlmänner), Kentucky (8) and South Carolina (9) came in as republicans, while Hochburgen, Vermont (3) and Virginia (13) came in as democratic. Aberes is with former Swing State Georgia (16). Biden has accomplished a lot, which once included Democrats. Gerade was once again, for the first time, something Ergebnis experienced with the Südstaat Gebe. Erwarteter Zwischenstand: 28 to 16 for Trump.

1.30 Uhr – Wahlschluss in West Virginia (4), North Carolina (16) and Ohio (17). Elektoren died with the Konto Trumps wandering in northern West Virginia and went to Ohio (17). The crime is the hinge of Rennen in North Carolina, but this is Short Term Stimulation in Wahlnacht zu erwarten. Ohio is a “Must Win” state for Trump, and Hillary Clinton needs to nail it, too. He gave a Rennen or a Führung von Harris, a Hiobsbotschaft for Trump and a sign from Australia in Swing State Michigan and Pennsylvania. Erwarteter Zwischenstand: 49 to 16 for Trump.

Schließen in Florida and Pennsylvania Wahlokale

2.00 Uhr – After 14 Staaten and Hauptstadtbezirk schließen die Wahlokale, Florida (30) and Swing State Pennsylvania (19). After a short and short time in the Sunshine State, Wahltag wandered around and some bald predictions were made that he wouldn’t be able to do anything in Pennsylvania. Trump and Harris faced the same 2:00 hour march, but we faced a “better” democratic situation. republic sind. Trump sided with Harris and Harris with two separate Wahlkreis in Florida (30), Alabama (9), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Oklahoma (7), Tennessee (11) and Maine (1) . jene von Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), Illinois (19), Maine (3/4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Hampshire (4), New Jersey (14), Rhode Island (4) ) ) and Washington DC (3). Erwarteter Zwischenstand: 123 to 94 for Trump.

2.30 Uhr – Wahlschluss at Arkansas (6). This is the newest era for a siege, the 274th and better of 538. Tatsächlich was next to Kandidaten weit von der magischen Zahl 270 entfernt sein. Erwarteter Zwischenstand: 129 to 94 for Trump.

Um 3 Uhr ended 15 Bundesstaaten die Stimmabgabe

3.00 Uhr – Wahlokale in 15 states, the Republican Party outperformed Arizona in 2016 and 2020, along with Democrats and Swing States Michigan (15) and Wisconsin (10) in the USA (11). In addition, it is a Short-Term Stimulus, Die Bis Ende der Woche Gezählt Werden. I Wahlkampfendspurt has an Umfrage (6) which is a better Swing State than the other two countries of Iowa. It is known that Harris owns a number of educational institutions, from 47 to 44. Weil auch auch dort noch tagelang We travel around for a short time and plan the best things. 54 of the Democratic Party members are also members of Congress in Colorado (10), Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5), New York (28), and Nebraska (1). Trump won 67 Stimmen in Texas (40), Louisiana (8), Kansas (6), Nebraska (4/5), North Dakota (3), South Dakota (3) and Wyoming (3). Erwarteter Zwischenstand: 196 to 148 for Trump.

4.00 Uhr – Wahlschluss in drei Staaten, die aber ziemlich langsam auszählen. Utah (6) and Montana (4) are bankrolls for Trump. Nevada is one of the (6) Swing States. Erwarteter Zwischenstand: 206 to 148 for Trump.

Harris Brings 5 ​​Hours of Kalifornien in Führung

5.00 Uhr – A support for Harris moves with Wahlschluss in California (54), Washington (12) and Oregon (8). It was a state in the United States with large Democrats. Trump got a lot from the State of Idaho (4). Demokratin dürfte sich died for the first time in Wahlnacht and Spitze setzen. Erwarteter Zwischenstand: 222 and 210 for Harris.

6.00 / 7.00 Uhr – Schließen in Hawaii (4) and Alaska (3) USA-Staaten die Wahlokale. Hawaii has Harris and Alaska, Trump has Alaska. On our next trip, we will take a short trip later on November 10th. This is unusually gilded, which is part of the Präsidentenwahl, part of a Staaten beident. Erwarteter Zwischenstand ohne Ergebnis aus einem der sieben Swing States: 226 to 210 für Harris.