
Warum between Trump, Schwarzen and Latin Americans

Warum between Trump, Schwarzen and Latin Americans

In the 1960s, Democrats quickly faced admonishment in the United States. Das ändert sich nun – ve erklärt einen Trumps Erfolg.

More changes Stimmen on Republicans' trip.

More changes Stimmen on Republicans’ trip.

Kathy Kmonicek / AP

Donald Trump stated that Stimmen von Schwarzen and Latinos have irgendein republikanischer Kandidat in Kraft traten regarding the 1964 die Bürgerrechtsgesetze (Civil Rights Act). He dies, but this is not a simple or easy thing. “Scheisslochländern” of African origin, Haitianer bis – kurz from Urnengang – “Abfallhaufen” from Puerto Rico.

This is one of the best political policies of the USA, something that both losers and Trump, as well as Americans and British, often hang his hat on. One of the trend’s best: A model that Trump makes the most of. This is the previous year of Wahl 2016 and a historian record.

Here’s the thing: Drei Viertel was a man with Stimme Kamala Harris. Bei den schwarzen Frauen sind es sogar 90 Prozent. Diese Mehrheitsverhältnisse darf man nicht aus den Augen verlieren, wenn es darum geht, die Grüne für diese Entwicklung zu suchen.

This is also something: This is part of the Trend, which has not changed in any way. Democrats in the United States and its Profile can help Democrats create a new account called “farbigen Stimmen”. Nicht als Gezeitenwende, sondern als Erosion: “Black Magic is Vergangenheit”, schreibt das Magazine «Atlantic» and damn it To die quickly Unterstützung schwarzer Wähler für die Demokraten. Wählerschaft has a conservatory and a culture as liberal as the major Democratic parties.

50 Many more women demoralized Trump. Aberes sind insgesamt nur 9 Prozent.

50 Many more women demoralized Trump. Aberes sind insgesamt nur 9 Prozent.

Brendan Mcdermid / Reuters

Another example of Erfolg Trumps among Schwarzen and Latinos:

  • Inflation and the Wirtschaft Gang: Zwar reduced the inflation rate in the United States to a very low rate, and therefore the inflation rate of Prozents increased in 2020. This is a product of good quality and quality that always stimulates the consumer and provides a better product. Moreover, he noticed that there was a very large proportional gross Zahl von Schwarzen and the Latins. Etwa has some significant advantages, but nothing beats them. And very nicely, Trump had a better opinion of Harris, which resulted in a better performance. Do more Wirtschaftskometenz. If you want to know more about the Geschäftsmann
  • America first: International engagement in the USA created from conflik is not very popular. In Ukraine and Israel, Statt Geld and Waffen resulted in the resolution of countrywide problems. This is something Kernbotschaft is “America first” and Schwarzen and Latins are also in Zuspruch. I am a young person. An audience with whom Trump had a vision met with New Zölle, which was called the largest industry of Konkurrenz in Asia and Europe. And with the stop of Einwanderung von Migranten with Vervollständigung der Grenze zu Mexico in Mouer im Süden. This is back as a new group, with Conkurs about good business and new black business. Schliesslich findet auch Trumps Versprechen, «law and order» durchzusetzen, Anklang bei jenen, die überproportional Opfer von Gewalt sind.
  • Trump is fun: Candida of the United States, one of the best figures in the United States. Das betrifft seine Sprache, sein Verhältnis zum Recht, zu bürgerlichem Anstand, zu den Frauen. Genau das macht ihn für viele unwählbar – wie gesagt: auch für die Mehrheit der Schwarzen und Hispanics. One group Zahl Junger and the other Group is not Trump’s phenomenon on Scandal. This is a fascinating example of an unconventional style called “Politik des Mittelfingers”. Die rassistischen Äusserungen, sagen sie, solle man nicht zu ernst nehmen. It’s a beautiful thing Sprüche auch lustig seien. Trump is just as “fun” as Harris. They woke Denken, which annoyed the Democrats, but nothing happened. Mit Trump, dem Macho, dagegen schon. Das Erbe und der Kanon der Bürgerrechtsbewegung sind für diese Grouppe nicht mehr sakrosankt. Politische Loyalität gehört is automatically nothing more than a democratic Lager, but it is true.