
Wachablösung? RTL runs Stargast with “DSDS” – Finale and

Wachablösung? RTL runs Stargast with “DSDS” – Finale and

Nach Jury-Gerüchten

Update date: 07.11.2024, 13:06 Uhr

Gerüchten chose Bushido’s bald Pietro Lombardi in the “DSDS” Jury. Jetzt appeared in the finale of the Staff Fatal Challenge on Stargast as the Rapper’s Sender RTL.

Mehr News from DSDS

Hat Rapper bushido (46) bald new TV-Job? Die Gerüchteküche brodelt, denn angeblich soll der Musiker in der kommenden Staffel von “Superstar from Deutschland sucht” Juror Pietro Lombardi (32) ersetzen. Wie die “Bild”-Zeitung zudem berichteteLombardis’ biggest Streit, RTL offense, beat out Bushido for the Jury winner. Der Sender, without a speculation of Juror-Wechsel, Bushido’s live finale with a jetzt for “DSDS” on Stargast with Samstag (November 9) and a (at 20:15 on Kölner MMC) came together. Studios). Darin joins Männer in the 21st Cast of RTL-Castingshow.

bushido wire i "DSDS"-Live Finale here.

Bushido spoke once again on the “DSDS” Live Finale.

© imago images/Christian Grube / ARCHEOPIX/GRUBE

A Beitrag von “Punkt 7” On November 7, Bushido zu seinem Stargast-Auftritt: “Ich bin so aufgeregt am Samstag ist es ist es, ich bin beim big ‘DSDS’-Live-Finale mit dabei. Ich hofe, ihr seid auch mit dabei. Ich freue mich, “This was a wonderful grandios, a wonderful thing.” Welche Funktion is very useful and annoying at the same time. Is there a new juror as a new juror?

Pietro Lombardi will make a DSDS-Aus nichts wissen

Pietro Lombardider diesjährige Jury mit Dieter Bohlen (70), Beatrice Egli (36) and Loredana (29) later joined Gerüchte Reagiert and Loredana. der “Bild”-Zeitung erklärt: “It used to be a very good thing, with ‘DSDS’ RTL broke down and sagged once again. Bislang did not die in the fall. Konzentriere with another jetzt from the Live Show with Samstag. Final verdict.” This is “a very important thing. ‘DSDS’ is a job for Dieter and a job for me. There is nothing for me. ‘DSDS’ is a Herzenssache for me.” In 2011, Lombardi formed a new lineup with “DSDS” and launched Karriere. 2019 saw Sänger win in the Jury for the first time.

The top 4 Samstag Finalists included Nissim Mizrahi from Hamburg (61), Philip Matas from Heidenheim (25), Christian Jährig from Reichertshofen (30) and Tom Mc Conner from Duisburg (23). Receive a €100,000 reward and a platform with the new “DSDS” Label Partner Telamo.

The final songs are included in a Weihnachtsalbum with the title “Germany is such a Superstar X-Mas”. The album, along with Coversongs, was released on November 29. Laura Wontorra (35) was on the last day of voting in Sieger during the finale. Die Castingshow ruft bereits dazu aufPlease keep in mind that Staffel is not available. I’m at Finaltag on November 9th and I’m going on stage at MMC Studios. Casting a crime get pregnant (jom/dot)
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